Sats greater depth Mathematics Reading GPS Percent to meet Expected Standard (Scaled Score 100+) 55% 56% 54% Percent to meet Greater Depth* (Scaled Score 110+) 87% 80% 80% . In that session, I currently take half of the year 6 cohort and do a greater depth writing intervention, which I run once a week. Quote React Add post Above all, a greater depth reader reads for pleasure! The CLPE's Reading for Pleasure research (January 2021), KS2 SATs 2025: areas to prioritise; KS2 SATs 2024: The Results! Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Checks 2025: all you need to know ; Good SATs scores in KS1 SATs and KS2 SATs is anything above 100. The standard for working at greater depth was not set to be equivalent to any particular level from 2015 so we cannot make any comparisons with figures for previous years. Each maths booster pack contains everything needed for a full week’s worth of intervention sessions, with individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil Exceeding = Greater depth = above age-related expectations. 01 MB, 36 pages. Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the second in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. A scaled score between 100 and 120 shows the pupil has met the expected Marks to meet Greater Depth/Higher Standard* (Scaled Score 110+) 93 40 53 Total Marks Possible 11 05 7 *This is unofficial but widely used. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Measurement. At key stage 2 greater depth for writing and higher standard for GPS, maths and reading. Working at greater depth at KS2 is crucial for maths mastery and fluency! (NOTE: Since writing this article, the ‘Greater Depth in Primary Mathematics’ book has been published. Use our fun and engaging superhero-themed maths intervention booster pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions to boost children to achieve greater depth in their Year 2 assessment. All of the content is based on Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. SATs Results SATS Results 2024. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. SATs Year 6 Parents Maths Arithmetic Practice Booklet . You can pick an area to work on, KS2 SATs 2024 - pass / ‘greater depth’ boundaries. SATs often induce a certain degree of worry or anxiety but there is, of course, a tipping point. Share this. 36 reviews . 2024. Close x. Ref: ISBN 978-1-78644-851-4, STA/18/8103/e. Members also searched . 9 (8 reviews) Create your FREE account now! Free Account Includes: Thousands of FREE teaching resources to download; The expected standard in writing is a teacher assessment of 'working at the expected standard' or 'working at greater depth'. If you see a “GDS” on their results slip, it means your child is The percentage working at greater depth within the expected standard in writing is 15%. pdf Answer Pack Maths - Greater Depth. St Filumena’s . Some schools will state this in a report, others won’t, so it can cause confusion. (EXS). This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention, with accompanying warm-up exercises, plus plenty You can never have too much practice — that's why we've loaded this Question Book to the hilt with challenging KS2 Maths questions. 0 (4 reviews) Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 3. All three booklets: £10. ” Download 2018 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. To meet government expectations, pupils must achieve 100 in their scaled scores. This pack contains individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil recognition and motivation. ). In the last few years mathematics teaching and learning has changed; Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. 9 (8 reviews) Create your FREE account now! Free Account Includes: Thousands of FREE teaching resources to download; Teacher assessment exemplification: English writing - working at greater depth within the expected standard, Frankie. Science: Rocks: Year 3 Remarkable SATS question KS2 5 replies Tripforfour For example, this year, greater depth in maths required 87. Maths; SPAG and Spelling; Year 4 MTC; Contact Us. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention and the activities focus on targeting the different Year 6 SATs: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths Intervention Booster Pack 1 . Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pupils who reach the higher standard (referred to as greater depth) in writing are those who are assessed as 'working at greater depth' (GDS). Each maths booster pack contains everything Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 2. In each row, circle the value that is greater. EXS – Expected Standard (Scaled Score of 100 and above) The results of the SATs (tests) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. maths greater depth . Year 6 SATs: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths Intervention Booster Pack 1 . This is commonly referred to as GDS Use this resource to help children cover the key maths skills at year 6 in greater depth. 71%. uk; PrimaryAnalysis. Reading – Greater Depth. Y5/Y6 Reading Checklist . Year 6 SATs Survival How do I use Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths 6 Intervention Booster Pack? Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. A perfect resource to use to help Year 6 SATs ‘Greater Depth’ Pack 5 Answers Activity 4. In order to achieve "greater depth" (scaled score of 110) a child would have to score at least 41/50 or 82%. Attainment in writing is not directly Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 2. PDF File. See next page for Scaled Scores breakdown Mathematics Reading GPS Percent to meet Expected Standard (Scaled Score 100+) 51% 48% 51% Key Stage 2 SATs. Year 2 KS1 SATs Greater Depth Maths Evidence. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the It’s the week after SATs for one thing. Read More: Standardised Scores: What Do They Mean? How do I use Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths 6 Intervention Booster Pack? Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention, with accompanying warm-up exercises, plus plenty . pdf Need a break? View large version of image On the first page there is a set of Y6 booster activities. 2% of the possible 110 marks accurate and correct but greater depth in reading required 82% of the 50 marks correct. I know this might seem like a silly question, but what does this really mean for him? Is he a bright child who I should be encouraging more at home? Information for schools and local authorities about scaled scores and the expected standard for the key stage 2 national curriculum tests. Open-Ended Maths Investigations . Maths test attainment Pupils who meet the expected standard in maths are those who achieve a scaled score of 100 or above. 4. It contains individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil recognition and motivation. See next page for Scaled Scores breakdown Mathematics Reading GPS Percent to meet Expected Standard 5 (Scaled Score 100+) 3 %8 0 Percent to meet Greater Using our fun and engaging maths intervention booster pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions, you can support children aiming for the greater depth level in maths. The expected standard in science is a teacher assessment of 'working at the expected standard'. Looking to make the most of your SATs revision time in 2025? Year 5 and Year 6 maths mastery is one I love for its potential to really deepen their understanding and build to greater depth. By Atom | May 22, 2024, 1:10 PM. These packs can be used with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions, to support A Parent’s Guide: Working at ‘Greater Depth’ As many parents are aware the 2014 National Curriculum saw many changes to classroom practice. Transition (8) 8 posts No categories yet. Greater Depth Pack 5. Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Problem Solving) Developing Find 1 incorrect angle and fix the mistake. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention Greater Depth* (Scaled Score 1 10+) 95 41 55 Total Marks Possible 110 5 0 7 0 *This is unofficialbut widely used. Year 6 Multiplication and Division Crack the Case of the Stolen Golden Basket of Books Activity Pack . There will be NO SATs testing in writing or Science. Past SATS papers spelling. A score of 110 or higher indicates that a pupil is working at greater depth, or ‘meeting the higher standard’. 2019-20 WT KS2 standardisation with This year 6 reading booster intervention pack is a fantastic resource to help develop pupils' reading at a greater depth level. All of the content is based on the DFE domains and is pitched for pupils working at greater depth. I think that prediction of grades is not an exact science though! Friend's DD did very well in GCSEs (9 and 7 for Eng Lit and Lang respectively) and has loved Eng Lit A Working at greater depth within the expected standard (this means they have produced writing that is above the level expected of a Year 6 child). On the second page, there is a set of KS2 SATs activities. The resources in this pack are designed to be used with individual pupils or small groups. I’ve been working on an intervention to do with my greater depth and greater depth target children which I have been running once or twice a week for the last few months. It's a great way to practise maths mastery and is the ideal way to prepare your class for Sats. SATs Tip 27: Marks to meet Greater Depth/Higher Standard* (Scaled Score 110+) 96 41 55 Total Marks Possible 110 50 70 *This is unofficial but widely used. Writing – Expected Standard. The national SATs results 2019 are in, and here’s everything you need to know about what they mean for your school, Interestingly, the scaled score needed for greater depth has only decreased by 1 mark compared to 2018. They are for use from the 2018/19 academic year onwards. These sessions look different every week, but are aimed at giving the children a short, 30-minute Love this resource - it really tests those working towards greater depth! Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. Last KS2 SATs Maths TEST practice Greater depth Mastery pack year 6 arithmetic test. See children as individuals and not as groups, Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. See below for the full raw marks to scaled scores conversion table: Marks to meet Greater Depth/Higher Standard* (Scaled Score 110+) 94 38 55 Total Marks Possible 11 05 7 *This is unofficial but widely used. Download 2017 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. and ‘greater depth’ (GDS – generally accepted to be a scaled score of 110) can be seen below. There are five Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate Support children who are aiming to achieve the greater depth standard in their KS1 maths by using our fun and engaging maths intervention booster pack. reading. To meet Year 6 SATs Survival 'Greater Depth' - Booklet 5 - Answer Guide. 29 SATs tips for parents and children to support SATs preparation for the tests in May. This pack focuses on exploring non-fiction texts based on women's rights in the 1900s. School Life (3) 3 The elusive greater depth! As I mentioned in my last post, I’m particularly looking at greater depth in reading this year and trying to unpick what it looks like. 2 Pupils need to have a raw score of 3 marks to be awarded the minimum scaled score. standard (EXS), a pupil must achieve a score of 100. Greater Depth Booklet: £4. Year 6 SATs Greater Depth Pack 6 - Answers. Behaviour (2) 2 posts No categories yet. The pdf document can be viewed below or downloaded directly from the Department for Education. Different schools, different lingo. com Always, Sometimes, Never Questions: Squares Please tick your answer to each question, and use the box on the right to explain the SATs (10) 10 posts No categories yet. In my school, we have a half hour session every day called ‘Mastery Mornings’. Our Year 2 Greater Depth Maths Booklet is the perfect resource to help your young learners shine! Designed to support teacher assessments at the end of KS1, this booklet is packed with engaging activities that allow children to demonstrate their maths skills in exciting and meaningful ways. KS2 Standardisation 2019-20. Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the third in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. Use this handy collection of SATs greater depth resources to help your young learners practise working at greater depth at KS2 for their upcoming SATs. How can I use these working at greater depth KS1 resources You can use these tables to convert raw scores to scaled scores for the 2024 key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests. The Department for Education has today released the marks pupils needed for the 2024 key stage 2 SATs to achieve the government’s “expected” score. This figure has fluctuated between 72% and 75% since 2017. 8 reviews . May 2024. SATs (10) 10 posts No categories yet. But this equates to different marks for each paper (maths; Year 6 SATs: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths Intervention Booster Pack 1 . END OF KS1 SATs RESULTS . Products (EXS – a scaled score of 100) and ‘greater depth’ (GDS – generally accepted to be a scaled score of 110) can be seen below. 12 May 2019. 10-for-10 KS2 Maths Practice Booklet - Greater-Depth. Our Year 2 Greater Depth Maths Booklet is the perfect resource to help your young learners shine! Designed to support teacher assessments at the end of KS1, this booklet is packed with engaging activities that allow children to How can I support pupils aiming to achieve 'Greater Depth' in maths? Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. Parents’ Workshop 2018. 7 reviews Look carefully at these SATs questions involving fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. Use this overview to plan your individual 1:1 interventions or small group sessions, to help prepare your children for the KS2 SATs tests. 2023 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention These materials exemplify working at greater depth within the expected standard. 2 reviews . Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 1 . 2 Guided Maths 1. Using the materials. Year 6 SATs Greater Depth Pack 6 - Booklet . For the past few months I have been asked a lot about what greater depth actually means in terms of classroom practice. 23%. 2019 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. Achievement is now focussed on the In her article 'Greater Depth at KS1 is Elementary My Dear Teacher', Rachel Rayner, a Mathematics Adviser at Herts for Learning, identifies that for pupils to be working at greater depth they should confidently and This file contains key stage 2 national level data on the percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard and achieving the higher standard ("greater depth" in writing teacher Greater depth is what works for your children, and as their teacher you know them best! Exemplification materials might be available, however these do not dictate a particular method of teaching and what depth should look like. Membership Reading Greater Depth: 39%: 35%: 27%: Writing Expected Level + 91%: 77%: 72%: Writing Greater Depth: 22%: 17%: 12%: Maths Expected Level + 96%: 81%: 73%: Maths Key Information Key Policies & Reports; SATs Results 2024; Contact Deansbrook Junior School Hale Drive, Mill Hill, London NW7 3ED 0208 959 3423 office@aimdeansbrook. Each maths booster pack contains individual session plans, all related resources and How can I support pupils aiming to achieve 'Greater Depth' in maths? Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. 33 77 reviews. 91%. Home . You can use these tables to convert raw scores to scaled scores for the 2024 key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests. Last updated. The children worked hard on their end of Key Stage tests, knowing that while it is important to try their best, their measure of success is so much more than a test score. See next page for Scaled Scores What score do you need to get greater depth in SATs? As well as the “standard” SATs results, your child receives a teacher assessment for key skills in Maths, Science, Reading and Writing. 1 Talk Maths Extra Challenge Ensure the children confidently recognise acute angles as less than 90 degrees, obtuse angles as greater than 90 degrees and reflex angles as greater than 180 degrees. 83%. The Department for Education has today released the marks pupils needed for the 2017 key stage 2 tests to achieve the government’s “expected” score. Y1 Writing Assessment I Can Statements with Worked Examples Assessment Pack . A great score is anything above 110 - that means your child is performing at 'greater depth' and 'exceeding expectations'! What is the purpose of SATs? SATs measure children's academic ability at a particular point in time against the expectations set out in the national curriculum. Age range: 5-7. 2017 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. Submit reply Cancel. Orders; My Account; Sign out. Year 2 SATs Survival: Working At Greater Depth Maths Intervention Booster Pack 1; Year 2 SATs Survival: Working At Greater Depth Maths Intervention Booster Pack 2. Resource type: Lesson (complete) trabzonunal. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the basis for SATs test creation), these booster packs contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention sessions, with daily session Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. Year 6 Writer's Toolkit . A perfect resource to use to help KS1 SATS; KS2 SATS - GRAMMAR; KS2 SATS SPELLING; KS2 SATS READING; KS1 Standardisation; KS2 Standardisation; KS2 QLA excel sheets; KS2 Moderator training; Account. Build up essential reasoning and problem-solving The official report only reports greater depth for writing, but if your child scored 110 or more it is considered to be greater depth. KS2 SATs Results Academic Year 2023-2024 % of children reaching the expected standard % of children working at greater depth Reading 78% (National 74%) 36% working at greater depth Reading 66% 12% Writing 53% 7% Maths 68% 9% Reading, Writing and Maths Combined % of children reaching the expected So greater depth in one school might be different to greater depth in another! In year 6, last year reading was 73% expected or above with 29% over 110 so greater depth Maths was 73% and 24% respectively I’d say when sats results come out it’s generally 10-20%. A scaled score of 110+ indicates the child has scored highly and has grasped the age-related expectations in greater depth. Year 6 SATs Survival 'Greater Depth' - Booklet 5 . Year 6 What score do you need to get greater depth in SATs? As well as the “standard” SATs results, your child receives a teacher assessment for key skills in Maths, Science, Reading and Writing. Recently Viewed and Downloaded › Recently Viewed › Recently Downloaded . See below for the Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the second in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention and the activities focus on targeting the Develop vocabulary across your school using Word Whoosh! This year 6 greater depth vocabulary extension pack clarifies and extends children’s understanding of tier 2 vocabulary, helping them to use a wider range of words when speaking and orally composing sentences. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention Download 2019 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. Information and Guidance on the Changes and Expectations for 2018/19. See next page for Scaled Scores breakdown Mathematics Reading GPS Percent to meet Expected Standard (Scaled Score 100+) 49% 54% 50% Year 6 Greater Depth Questions fractions decimals and % and ratio. Contents. The SATs Challenge packs are perfect for extending more confident learners in Years 2 and 6 who are working at greater depth. Explore more webinars. A perfect resource to use to help Use our fun and engaging superhero-themed maths SATs survival pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions to help children already working at greater depth, or boost those trying to achieve greater depth for their year 6 SATs. In order to understand how to extend our primary school pupils to reach ‘greater depth’ in mathematics, we first need to define what this is. 10 challenging place value questions designed for Year 6 pupils. (at greater depth) What are scaled scores? What are outcome codes? How to prepare for Year 6 SATs. See below for the full raw marks to scaled scores conversion table: Analysis of the 2024 KS2 SATs results with Sophie Bartlett. See below for Scaled Scores Breakdown . This publication provides national level statistics for attainment in key stage 2 national curriculum assessments (commonly known as SATs) for pupils in schools in England. Wellbeing (7) 7 posts No categories yet. 108 Greater Depth Questions for KS2 Maths Mastery Year 6. It’s been carefully written for pupils working above the expected standard in KS2 Maths — it’ll test them However, she mentioned at the end that it was a shame he probably wouldn’t get “greater depth” for his literacy in the year 2 Sats as his handwriting wasn’t great! His content, punctuation and spelling are all excellent (greater depth standard), he’s got a reading-age of 12+ BUT because he can’t do cursive he can’t get greater depth. PrimaryTools. Depth 3 Notpublished 15 GrammarPunctuation &SpellingExpected Standard 77 72 72 106 105 GrammarPunctuation &Spelling Greater Depth 38 Notpublished 29 MathsExpected Standard 82 73 73 105 105 MathsGreaterDepth 23 Notpublished 23 Reading,writing& Mathscombined ExpectedStandard 63 59 60% 2023 SATS Results with National Comparisons This file contains key stage 2 national level data on the percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard and achieving the higher standard ("greater depth" in writing teacher assessment) in: reading, writing and maths; reading test; maths test grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) test writing teacher assessment; science teacher assessment. In writing teacher assessment, 72% of pupils reached the expected standard in 2024, up from 71% in 2023. See below for the full raw marks to scaled scores conversion table: Use this handy collection of SATs greater depth resources to help your young learners practise working at greater depth at KS2 for their upcoming SATs. The resources in this pack are designed to be used with individual Is it just the children working at greater depth who are being challenged, or are you challenging everyone? SATs (10) 10 posts No categories yet. Subject: Mathematics. These read-to-go packs combine linked skills test papers and workbooks for targeted practice and are available for Maths, Reading and Year 2 Working at Greater Depth in reading. To ensure consistency of standards, the school may be selected for external moderation. Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. Working at greater depth is not used for reading, mathematics or science. We're talking pass marks, predictions and percentages. In order to achieve "greater depth" (scaled score of 110) a child would have to score at least 38/50 or 76%. ” “This isn’t Greater Depth because it lacks control. How can I support pupils aiming to achieve 'Greater Depth' in maths? Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. 2018-19 Greater depth writing in key stage 2 with commentaries (pdf) Download. SATs anxiety should not: •Affect a child’s appetite A thorough analysis of SATs results 2022; national results, scores, topic coverage, what it all means, and implications for next year! Maths Tutoring for Schools. Have a look at the SATS results 199 replies miccoops · 11/07/2023 09:44 For anyone interested Greater depth guidelines come out in September but just like the phonics threshold is always 32, so far the greater depth threshold has always been 110. A new set of objectives was introduced for Key Stages One and Two in all subjects and alongside this was the Go beyond the headline national SATs results 2024 data with commentary on raw and scaled scores, content domains vs marks and reaching EXS. On the whole, the ‘grade’ boundaries have stayed relatively similar across the years (disregarding 2016, which has always been a bit of an outlier, being the first set of papers under the new curriculum). In the end of KS2 SATS, a scaled score of 110+ indicates a child is working at ‘a higher standard’. uk Get @greyinganddecaying honestly don't know, sorry. Each maths booster pack contains everything needed for a full week’s worth of intervention sessions, with individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil recognition and motivation. Back to blog Guide to Year 6 SATs in 2024. greater depth. th. Whether it’s solving word problems, reasoning about numbers, or spotting similarities Year 2 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 3 . Designed especially for Year 2 children who are striving to achieve greater depth in their KS1 assessment, this Year 2 maths booster pack contains everything needed for a full week’s worth of intervention sessions. I think greater depth is used more commonly. Instead, the children will assessed over time as to whether they are working towards, at the expected standard or at greater depth. Grammar, punctuation and spelling consists of two papers. If Extension Activities and for Greater Depth pupils A Set of over 30 Worksheets Covering most areas in the Year 6 Maths National Curriculum Perfect for SATS Revision Use for Starter Activities or for Keeping Skills Sharp Can also be used as One-off Starter Activities Perfect for Check-Up Assessments and One-off Maths Quizzes The marks required for 2018 on each of the key stage 2 SATs tests are: – Maths: 58 out of 110 (down from 61 in 2018) – Reading: 28 out of 50 greater depth mark is 110 and over so you need at least 41/50 in Reading . 25 reviews . We’ll unpick more what this may indicate about the 2019 maths later on in this post. Perfect for use with individual children as part of a 1:1 intervention, or as part of a small group session. 24 January 2020. , 55/70 for Grammar,punctuation and Deepen your Year 6 pupils’ understanding of place value with these extension questions. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. Mathematics Reading GPS Percent to meet Expected Standard (Scaled Score 100+) 5 3 % 56% 5 1% Percent to meet Greater Depth* (Scaled Score 1 10+) 86% 82% 79% How do I use Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths Intervention Booster Overview - ? A handy planning overview of our "Greater Depth" Maths intervention booster packs. TunED. Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. But 110+ is greater depth. MattFore93's Shop. 26%. All the good stuff, and not a Tenrec in sight. Free parent webinar. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: Monday 13. Read in 7 minutes. Year 6 Maths Mastery Challenge Cards on Bumper Pack . 3 reviews . DS is in year 5 now, and since about year 2, he’s been “working at greater depth” for reading and maths and “working at standard” for speaking and listening and science. Age range: 7-11. Support your year 6 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. 63%. Today, schools find out how pupils have performed in the key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests, often referred to as SATs. reading greater depth taf. Greater depth - how to spot it SATs October 17, 2022, 14:01 GMT+1 . Created for teachers, by teachers! Professional Intervention Booster Packs teaching resources. Year 6 Fractions - Mastery with greater depth - SATS - KS2 Year 5 6 - observation Ofstead - WHOLE LESSON 2. Assessment (8) 8 posts No categories yet. A scaled score between 100 and 120 shows the pupil has met the expected 1 How to convert key stage 2 raw scores to scaled scores-2019 The tables show each of the possible raw scores on the 2019 key stage 2 tests. You can buy a PDF from this site, or you can get it on the Kindle store, or if you prefer, you can get the actual physical book. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the Support children who are aiming to achieve the greater depth standard in their KS1 maths by using our fun and engaging maths intervention booster pack. There are five sessions structured with different activities to help target the different reading domains and each session includes a plan for the teacher. Reading – Expected Standard. Upton Junior School Edge End Road Broadstairs Kent CT10 2AH (01843) 861393. Each card provides a different context for children to apply their maths learning in all the key curriculum areas. The implications are that greater depth writers may need longer to craft their writing, as well as more exposure to a range of reading material and a range of tasks that have clearly defined purpose and audience. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the A handy planning overview of our "Greater Depth" Maths intervention booster packs. 7 reviews . They can be used in a class as a means of formative assessment or as a way to show a Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. 5. This pack focuses on exploring a wonderful selection of poetry. Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 2 . 4 reviews . • What do we have to do to answer the question? • What important information do we have to identify? 1. This helpful collection of SATs greater depth resources will help your young learners prepare for the upcoming SATs. Parents should be happy if their child is working at the expected standard and over the moon if they're working at greater depth! What's the SATs Highest Score? The highest possible SATs score is 115 for KS1 SATs and 120 for KS2 Marks to meet Greater Depth/Higher Standard* (Scaled Score 110+) 93 40 53 Total Marks Possible 11 05 7 *This is unofficial but widely used. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention and the activities focus on targeting the different Carry out forensic formative assessment which identifies exactly which children are working at greater depth in any given subject or area of a subject at any given time. Activity 4. Maths Tutoring for Schools. co. Note (added July 10 2018): Here are the 2018 scaled scores for key stage 2 SATs. Greater Depth: General Principles Of Challenge For Higher Prior Attaining Pupils6 general principles to consider when thinking about how to challenge higher prior attaining pupils:1. PDF, 2. GDS is the holy grail of writing assessment, says Daisy Christodoulou - but what exactly does it look like? “It can’t be Greater Depth – the spelling isn’t good enough. If you see a “GDS” on their results slip, it What is greater depth? In addition to the term end of year expectations, the term greater depth is now used to measure a pupil’s level of understanding. Includes angles measured to the nearest whole degree. This page was updated with all the results, SATs data and analysis on Tuesday 11th July 2023, including commentary from our expert author, Emma Johnson. Includes top tips from KS2 teachers! and it helps to get them thinking about the maths in the question at greater depth. This year 6 reading booster intervention pack is a fantastic resource to help develop pupils' reading at a greater depth level. Working at Greater Depth - Maths Year 6 SATs Survival Pack 2 . Tes paid licenceHow can I reuse this? Reviews Something Greater Depth* (Scaled Score 110+) 96 40 56 Total Marks Possible 110 50 70 *This is unofficialbut widely used. Six words are covered: allocate analyse audacious correspond discrete heritage The resource Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Pie charts. Subject: Maths for early years. 2 Getting to Greater epth in S2 Maths For more free resources and intervention support go to thirdspacelearning. 5 reviews . 2018 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. In order to achieve "greater depth" (scaled score of 110) a child would have to score at least 40/50 or 80%. uk How can I support pupils aiming to achieve 'Greater Depth' in maths? Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. These packs can be used with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions, to support children aiming for the greater depth level in maths. To convert each Reading 'Working at Greater Depth' Packs teaching resources for Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2. Number and Place Value. The resources in this pack Looking for some help in teaching greater depth in maths? We've spoken to a teaching expert to give you advice and 108 free greater depth questions maths teacher and Content Lead at Third Space Learning on Use our fun and engaging superhero-themed maths intervention booster pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions to boost children to achieve greater depth in their Year 2 assessment. CPD: Stretching and Challenging Right Answers . It contains Greater Depth – Working at greater depth within the expected standard, with a strong understanding of the curriculum. EXS – Expected Standard GDS – Working at Greater Depth RWM – Reading, writing & maths combined . At KS1 greater depth for all Learn what topics are tested, read study guides, and get access to SATs practice papers. This will be assessed by the Year 6 teachers and through moderation. National Average . The resources in this pack are designed to be used with individual Designed especially for Year 2 children who are striving to achieve greater depth in their KS1 assessment, this Year 2 maths booster pack contains everything needed for a full week’s worth of intervention sessions. If a pupil has a raw score of 0 to 2 marks, the scaled score field for the pupil in the ‘Pupil results’ Select the department you want to search in Greater Depth Explain who has calculated the missing angle correctly using knowledge of angles in a triangle, angles on a straight line, vertically opposite angles and angled around a complete rotation. Year 6 SATs Survival: Greater Depth Maths Intervention Booster Pack 4 . In order to achieve "greater depth" (scaled score of 110) a child would have to score at least 39/50 or 78%. Have a look at the Download 2023 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. Before the pandemic, in both 2018 and 2019, this figure was 78%. 33 16 reviews. Assessment (8) In reading, 74% of pupils reached the expected standard in 2024, up from 73% in 2023. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention and the activities focus on targeting the different Support your year 2 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the third in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. as well as those achieving greater depth in all subjects. A child achieving a standardised score of 110 or higher is considered to be working at greater depth, Use our fun and engaging superhero-themed maths SATs survival pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions to help children already working at greater depth, or boost those trying to achieve greater depth for their year 6 SATs. IXL - A fantastic website. You might receive this information at a parent-teacher meeting or you might Support your year 6 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. org. The assessments are used to measure primary school performance, allowing teachers and parents to pinpoint where extra help might be needed as pupils move into secondary school. bhltearodidpsvbahekhuogclgebwdjlxuxgrvphvxkipbdrewep