Harry potter is shunned for being a parseltongue fanfiction

Harry potter is shunned for being a parseltongue fanfiction. Watch as Harry rebels against the ministry, forms a bond with a dragon the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries, and goes up against Voldemort! And he might just fall in love along the way some Dumbles bashing, temporarily bad Ron Jun 15, 2015 · Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. parseltongue is possession, and petrification, and listening to a horror narrate its hunger and hunt through the walls of a castle i consider call home. And Bill was a parseltongue like his siblings. 'Not so fast, Potter. Harry wasn't the only one with the traits worthy of a Slytherin, his best friends were in possession of them too, as hidden as they were. The darkness calls its own. The huge Hungarian horntail sniffed at the air when it saw the small wizard enter the arena, it began to salivate as it could smell its favourite food. " said a great man. It was pain like he never felt before. - Words: 1,799 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 816 - Follows: 647 - Published: Jan 7, 2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7718474. New comments cannot be posted and Chapter 15. So I messed with it. This first one is about something I always had a particular problem with since it just came out of nowhere that it was possible. He felt practically invincible, and he no longer had the weight of the prophecy hanging from his neck. Harry laughed "Thank you for your kindness. Chapter 4: Manipulations. Books Harry Potter. Story Summary: This story will be many instances of Harry using his Parseltongue in front of people who may or may not be surprised by his snake-speaking skills. " Harry's narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "I'm sorry, but I don't seem to recall your name…" "You've never spoken to me before, but I'm Luna Lovegood. "So, Potter," She spat "You finally found someone who's as crazy as you are. He was in heaven. Travel. Tainted Betrayal By: NephyRiddle. "Yes Professor?" "Potter, it's traditional for the Champions and their partners-" "Partners?" Harry interrupted. Freedom. Year Three (Harry Potter and the Death Eater Menace) starts on 9/1/16. Watch as Harry rebels against the ministry, forms a bond with a dragon the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries, and goes up against Voldemort! Harry Potter: the Serpent Lord By: NHunter. Amy had always sensed what animals were trying to tell her. After they apparated, Nagini and Harry dashed through the streets of Rodeo Drive looking through all the stores and window shopping and deciding what they liked to wear. " Hermione whispered as she left the room. Parseltongue By: Bellatrix567. "Yes, dance partners. " Harry James Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, found himself in Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. " "I'll wait outside. Dragging the animal into the tent Harry took a deep breath and cast his spell. When Harry's friend abandoned him after his name came out of the Goblet, Snape remembering his vow to Lily, decides to help Harry survive the tournament. Maia Riddle always knew she was different. Powerful, slytherin, parentage, parseltongue, dark magic, Voldemort and more. I would love to visit you later. He ran potion hardened fingers deftly alongside the rivulet and Draco whimpered, his breath catching at the sensation. "When something is repeated so many times and reach to a point where it cannot be ignored, people tend to accept them. Chapter Summary: Ginny hears Harry speak Parseltongue for the first time in a while and thinks of its odd effects on her. Potter- a word, please. The story of the boa constrictor in the zoo. Green eyes turned to him, puzzled. Harry decided, since Voldemort was going to stay like a coward in Cuba, that he was going to take himself more seriously and dress in muggle tuxedos. Jun 28, 2023 · Chapter 1: Travel. Ron tells Harry an interesting fact which the Gryffindor uses in his plans to get Draco. "Unfortunately, the first magical child young Harry Potter met in Diagon Alley was a Malfoy. "Now, it has also come to my attention that you have been using parseltongue more and more lately, and that you have acquired a pet snake. Slytherin house. His brother Jim is believed to be the BWL. The Potters, who were currently safe in their home, where Voldemort had no chance of reaching them. She just never knew how much. When Harry awoke the next morning, he knew immediately who was lying against him. The Silver Trio By: Kyong Kybis. Its chest rose and fell as it valiantly tried to take in air, but its chest moved painfully. Harry transfigured the corpse into a bone, put a disillusionment charm on it, and banished it away. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure - [Harry P. Rated: Fiction K - English - Harry P. " He said cautiously. - Set during second year; Harry/Hannah. No amount of magic can make one a Harry Potter and the Parseltongue Legend By: Obsession141. The children were all playing silently together, apparently mirroring the silence of their parents, although they had been whispering quietly among themselves. Pretty Parseltongue Woman By: seriousblahblah. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to change. for more consistent updates, check my profile on hpfanficarchive. Harry and Hermione aren't around and Ginny and Ron decide to claim the victory over Voldemort for themselves. Bill was adventure, a curious boy who grew up to be an amazing cursebreaker. Read as Harry, now a squib, travels the road to darkness to re-obtain his magic and achieve . " A sing song voice said from behind him. In the darkness of a cupboard a little boy weeps. While there he gains the memories of Salazar Slytherin and starts plotting. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. And since this is an AU, I shall give Harry a sister. Dragons speak Parseltongue too, you know By: Potterwatcher. Basically good Dumbledore and Weasleys. Both being exiled by everyone that they had ever loved, fight against Voldemort and the Order. It was all he had left, his only chance, he rammed it onto his head and threw himself flat onto the floor as the basilisk's tail swung over him again. Mar 17, 2024 · -8-Finding one of the Patil sisters wasn't difficult. Fulfilling the Vow By: ashknight1221. Luna is already wearing her bathing suit under her clothes. Prompt. Watch as Harry rebels against the ministry, forms a bond with a dragon the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries, and goes up against Voldemort! "Hello, Harry Potter. 'Possession': All his life as far back as he can remember Harry's heard a voice in his head, his only friend. Then as Amy Benson she found she could actually talk to them. "Pansy Parkinson simpered. As he expected, the dragon was in the center and chained. Hermione turned from the ridiculously opulent pool to face her friends, then promptly did a face palm. She stuttered in rage about being ignored. " He said nonchalantly, turning back to his food. , OC - Words: 953 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 6 - Published: Feb 17, 2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9021957. First up is Piers Polkiss, next is Ginny Potter, future chapters have been thought of; updates will be sporadic. And that's a lot of pressure for a 10 year old. After transfiguring his robes and two loose rocks in the passageway, Harry stepped towards the arena. Inter Vivos. " T. November 26, 1994. The air was definitely too cold for students to be sneaking around in and was certainly too cold for our favorite Potions Master to stay asleep. "Luna!" he called out in shock. Think you know this story? Think again. Nov 10, 2023 · The Weasleys' children are parseltongues. The ability to travel the world with ease is one of the greatest powers a magical has within their grasp. There was cheering all around as a dragon roared its displeasure at the noise. , Hannah A. The Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch teams had practice over the Albus Severus Potter is the youngest son of the great and noble Harry Potter, and a gay Slytherin. Potter was only at it for a moment, but it seemed forever to Draco, and he let out a soft whimper. Chapter One—Vividness. Harry was pleasantly surprised to note that he wasn't dead yet. Lomonaaeren's Deconversion features Harry slowly going insane from rejecting parseltongue magic and abilities. The little rat, his only spy besides Severus Snape, was dead—he had been discovered by his friends to be a traitor and had been killed in an attack. The Ministry had set up staggered dates for the student-witnesses to testify ahead of the trial date, as there were so many of them. The slytherin’s are jealous/hate Harry and keep looking him out of the common room, but there is a permanent password in parseltongue which he always uses and the slytherin’s go max trying to find out he keeps getting in. Norris by the next day even though it was the weekend, though Dumbledore stated that it was being taken care of. Pairing: Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini. Author's Notes: Many, many apologies for the incredibly long delay. Will be uploading multiple chapters at once. It Aug 20, 2023 · The snake's tail whipped across the floor again. " Harry rolled his eyes. When Harry's twin sister Ivy, the Girl-Who-Lived, is on the verge of death or loss of magic after her defeat of Voldemort, it's decided they will take Harry's magic and give it to her to save her life. Regardless, I have grown tired of this, though before I go, I want you to think carefully, Parseltongue is the language of the snakes. I completely lost contact with my beta-reader, and then when I finally found a new beta, I suddenly realized that the chapter needed Harry hid his surprise at this turn of events and turned to face her. " The days bloom like flowers and you eat every single one. Harry just grinned. He suffered through his classes however, up until the now infamous duel where his talent in parseltongue was revealed. , Astoria G. He discovered the hidden Chamber of Secrets and killed a sixty foot basilisk, rescuing a fellow student. A collection of multiple people's reactions to Harry being a Parselmouth. Parseltongue, the language of the snakes, was feared just because of its connection with said animals. Harry, still under his cloak, cast a silent piercing hex aimed at Goyle's head. Shrugging at the book's contents, Harry flipped to a random page in the start of the book. It would probably help if they weren't idiots. As they appeared, Lily stood up and ran to her father. So this story will basically be a series of one-shots about particularly dumb things I found in Harry Potter. And she has a lot to learn about the world because after living with Voldemort, she doesn't really Mar 29, 2015 · Harry's heart near broke when his new position let him see the blindfolded form of Luna Lovegood being hauled through the room by Charlie Weasley next. Harry Potter was Sorted into Slytherin after a crappy childhood. Will he forgive those Languages: Parseltongue, Latin and Japanese . After Voldemort runs off to Cuba and forgets to pack his pet snake with him, Harry Potter is left taking care of one human snake animagus. Mature. In his second year he was shunned and accused of being Slytherin's heir for being a parseltongue. Wordcount: This part 5200. T) Harry receives his letter and goes to Hogwarts. "Harry, it's okay. It did not matter how many blankets he piled upon himself or how closely he Falling to the ground with a wet gurgle, Goyle grabbed at his throat to try and stop from bleeding out. But will the voice in his head help or hinder him in finding the real culprit, and why is it so obsessed with Scorp? Books Harry Potter. Nothing to do with Time's Riddle. Harry ducked. The Other Side of Fame By: Ares. Just before exiting the arena, he turned and waved to his new friend. As soon as he got out of the arena Harry was bustled off to the medical tent by Madame Pomfrey. As the two learn horrific secrets about a war that ended a decade ago through the scrolls, Harry and Draco find themselves bonding over a cause. He returns to Hogwarts after the death of his godfather seemingly unaware of the light's manipulations, but in the shadows the notorious assassin Sang Lys has arose. It explains everything. Lily, Marlene, Sirius, Remus, Lyall, and Hope Lupin listen with concern. Can we see it, Potter?" One of the keepers, a tall Indian woman in her mid-30s named Gitanjali, asked. The Sorting Hat sensed them and decided that the snake's pit was their true home rather than the lion's den. Chapter 5: Building One's Character. "I still don't understand why you started a bloody snake company," Ron said, leaning against the counter. Harry/Astoria. "What were they thinking, honestly, dragons!" Nov 14, 2014 · A Squib's Path to Revenge By: TheFlowerOfTheCourt. Feb 15, 2024 · Books Harry Potter. "Last I checked sir, the pet list is only for firsties, and snakes are allowed. It was a very uncommon skill, and was known to be an almost exclusively hereditary trait. The darkness calls its own and corrupts all it sees Severus identified it as parseltongue. After being thrust into a new world, she learns the truth of who she is. The lonely snake can't understand why no one will ever talk to him. Content Notes: Angst, AU fifth year, present tense, torture, gore, minor character death, hurt/comfort. Harry did a double take before turning around and covering his eyes. §Oh how naïve you are Harry. Harry had been corresponding with his account manager, and the Goblin had suggested that they meet on a day Harry would already be off the school grounds (for the sake of simplicity). "Mr. Severus' dark eyes meeting grey eyes filled with need and desire. At the beginning, Harry and Luna had been struggling to muffle their laughter at Ron having to dance with McGonagall, but when the time had come for them to dance, the light mood dissipated immediately. "Harry!" Luna called back. Her father's life rests in her hands, and she's the only one who can save him. "Not what you're thinking, that's for sure, Harry!" Aug 25, 2023 · Harry Potter is, perhaps, the most notable exception to Parseltongue being exclusively an inherited trait, although his case is a pretty unique one. Voldemort made a decision. Harry seized it. Harry Potter coughed and choked, flinching in A soft exhale drifting over his skin and Harry shivered a delicious sensation that travelled along the length of his spine to the tips of his toes. It was Percy's. Draconica Malfoy to be exact" Harry/Draconica Harry/fem-Draco. The petit blonde looked fairly banged up from the vicious if short battle that had taken place when the Weasleys had stormed Grimmauld Place with a dozen aurors just after sunrise that morning. Rating: PG-13. He stood up and left the room. It took only a few days for him to realize that his new power came with a price. When the chamber of secrets is opened yet again, Albus finds himself and his best friend Scorpius Malfoy the main suspects. H/Hr Jealous Weasleys, EWE, slight alteration to horcrux narrative. Chapter 2: Rodeo Drive. Harry shook his head as he slowly climbed the stairs to his bedroom. "Oh, it's just you. Summary: When Harry was born there was an accident and now he can only speak Parseltounge and sign language. She just stared at him with unblinking golden eyes. , Severus S. " Harry replied as he walked forward and grabbed the egg. Ron and Hermione had dragged him up to the Gryffindor common room as if they were afraid that someone would be chasing them after what he'd said to the snake, and the way they'd talked about Parseltongue…. Jan 7, 2012 · Parseltongue parsing By: dantemalfoy. Draco/Harry slash. No profit is being made from this story, and no copyright infringement is intended. Harry had been so nervous that, even while staring at his feet and counting under his breath, he managed to step on Luna's toes multiple times. ] - Words: 9,731 - Reviews: 206 - Favs: 2,106 - Follows: 731 Apr 23, 2019 · Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked in to find all the adults sending wary looks James' way. Was that really the best she had? Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Nearly five years later, evidence from a certain captured rat releases Harry from Azkaban. Harry spun around to see a blond Ravenclaw who looked to be in the year below him. Out in the arena the crowd were jeering and booing, yelling 'cheat' as Harry Potter walked out to face his dragon. He was also almost obliviated by a fraudster of a teacher. After talking to Malfoy's summoned snake, Harry finds out that the Wizarding World might be even worse then the Dursleys had ever been. Dark Repercussions By: Jessiikaa15. ] Severus S. Harry Potter/Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Crossover. , Voldemort, Nagini - Words: 1,116 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 227 - Follows Thinking it over, he should have known. Gasped the Weasley. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred &George, Ron and Ginny are parseltongues. He gently reached to the table beside the bed and retrieved his glasses. , Draco M. The dark lord's cruciatus curse was less painful. The hissing began, the tongue flicked, the hot breath infused each sound, Draco was ruined. Lily: "Harry, be careful, and remember not to use your Parseltongue ability casually. " The red faced boy turned back Feb 19, 2024 · The bird collapsed to the ground, no longer needing its wings to keep it mobile. Harry sighed and reached around him to grab the pendant a customer had brought up The murmurs follow Harry and his friends wherever they go, leaving them somewhat uncomfortable. 'If you say so Robby, now I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Snakes, for reasons unknown to Harry, were considered "dark" creatures, thus, the language and anything that could possibly be connected to it were considered dark. Harry embarks on his fifth year alternately furious and despairing and Parseltongue Heiress By: BlueCandyMac. Chapter One. Something soft hit his face. There was talk about the writing on the wall and Mrs. Everyone in the Tom (Voldemort)/Harry universe has read at least one of these, but it will be interesting. Oct 17, 2021 · Chapter 1. "See what?" Harry asked. Mar 17, 2024 · At first he had welcomed the new sensation. The vanilla smell of her hair was as familiar of a scent as his own shampoo. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling. But she didn't touch him, nor did she say anything. -oOo-. As Harry was wiping the blood out of his eyes, two shouts of "Harry!" and "What the bloody fuck?" came out of Charlie and Fnord's mouths at the same time. " She said in that same voice. A look at Harry's struggle to come to terms with the strange abilities he possesses, and how he deals in the aftermath of the final battle. He found Padma in the Hogwarts library, one of the places in the school he truly did not like simply because Madam Pince genuinely didn't like him; further research revealed that his father had caused the librarian a few problems, and like Snape, she was unable to get over the fact he was not James Potter reincarnated. DISCONTINUED PreHBP Harry is framed and sent to Azkaban. Harry Potter and the Parseltongue Legend By: Obsession141. Investigation leads to a long talk about Sirius, Slytherins, the prophecy, hunting, history, and house elves. The three of them, half lion, half snake Books Harry Potter. Harry Potter, wrongly imprisoned for murdering Bill Weasley and Rubeus Hagrid, is thrown into Azkaban to rot after his sham of a trial. A new scent in the air and Harry's skin heated with embarrassment as his pre-come Two of the remaining owls landed in front of Harry, and the other perched delicately on Hermione's chair. Draco's back arched against the cool sheets, his cock spitting pre-come and Severus watched as a dribble ran along the length of the younger man's shaft. He is later proven innocent and runs away but with the Order looking for him, as well as the other founders, can he stay. "Alright, I can't take it anymore. Ginny's POV. Heirances: Potter (from James Potter's will), Black (from Sirius Black's will), Slytherin heir (Salazar bloodline), Azkaban (from Erus Sicarius Slytherin-Arkban bloodline). Dark!Evil!Harry. Dumbledore cleared his throat, noticing Harry's reverie. Meanwhile, Avery felt his body explode in pain. The bitter truth is that it comes from Voldemort, that he accidentally transferred some of his powers to Harry. "Hello. Parseltongue Heiress By: BlueCandyMac. The basilisk had swept the Sorting Hat into Harry's arms. Perhaps the ability originated from the Horcrux, but his developing brain took over and nested it in the appropriate place (toddlers are hard-wired to learn languages). Also, I am not in any way a Snape fangirl and do not appreciate being accused of that because I feel that it was wrong for Sirius to try to get him killed. Granger. Chapter four: Parseltongue. For Bill parseltongue was a great gift for his ancestors, a excellent advange over the other cursebreakers. Near the beginning of his sixth year, Harry catches Crookshanks swearing in Parseltongue. And that had been in her no magic world. '. NO romantic pairings prior to Fourth Year. And to the sorting! Dedication: For BlueEyes White Dragon Sorcerer. Watch as Harry rebels against the ministry, forms a bond with a dragon the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries, and goes up against Voldemort! Parseltongue Prejudice By: Yunaine. Harry discovers Parseltongue at a much younger age, and thus finds the magical world well before usual. Until it doesn't. In Maidjan By: ash1066. Chapter 3: Fighting. Chapter 2: Associating with Others. Revised! Harry has found out that the light has been keeping many of secrets from him that push him over the edge. After learning they in fact shared a soul bond, and were in effect married, both were shunned by the Weasleys too. Its path setting his nerves on fire and his blood rushed south at the myriad of vibrations that bombarded him. You're a madman and an idiot and I'm in this house with this Pureblood mutt, you're a dog, Draco, and you fight Harry so hard that sometimes I wonder if you're just a little bit in love with him, and I mean that. It can be spoken with difficulty by any wizard or witch, but it can only be spoken AND understood by those with the blood, the genetic capability. Harry said throwing the redhead on the ground where he struggled to catch his breath. The Bitter Truth. " Harry Potter and the Parseltongue Legend By: Obsession141. All in order to meet a boy named Tom. Harry found himself significantly closer to her than he had ever planned on being, and her massive head was now only about three feet away from him. Just as Harry and Hermione were getting up to leave, McGonagall spoke again. The shunning he received darkened his opinion about the wizarding world. But Nagini is nothing like he expected. Chapter 1. A moment later the bird transformed into a teenage boy with a mop of black hair and pale skin, wearing dingy and ragged robes. Harry Potter and the Parseltongue Legend by Obsession141 reviews. He had been near the dark lord enough times to be able to identify parseltongue. However, with Dumbledore's absence, the only available Parselmouth is none other than Harry Potter Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Harry P. Grey!Harry - Dark!Harry eventually. School sighed up by birth parents: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . Harry turned to his teacher. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. A blanket of frosty winter air settled in the dungeons of Hogwarts as the moon rose high in night sky. A wizard or witch who could speak Parseltongue was known as a Parselmouth. it's imprisonment and hunger in a place i have always suffered, but never before feared to die in (it is threats of from magic hating relatives and well-meant house elves and of Books Harry Potter. He fought and defeated You-Know-Who. He felt lighter than he could ever remember being. [1] Not counting Herpo the Foul, who predated him by several 3 days ago · Amy switches places with her mirror twin, being thrown into a world only thought fictional before. In the darkness of an office in Hogwarts, a man covered in glamours smiles a perfect smile. - Chapters: 13 - Words: 24,962 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 567 Slytherin Harry uses parseltongue to enter the common room. [No longer being updated. Harry is shunned by the whole Wizarding World after using Parseltongue during the First Task. Parseltoungue Harry. All except for a certain redheaded witch. ~O~. When he first receives his letter Tom, the Voice, told him to hide it and May 20, 2015 · Dragons speak Parseltongue too, you know By: Potterwatcher. At least it was the weekend and everyone was able to relax and even go to Hogsmeade. The Cat, Bagged By: Persephone Kore. 'My name is Ron. + -. Aug 30, 2012 · A Different Sort of Betrayal by HeirtotheMarauders93 reviews. Note: Now, don't get me wrong, I love Sirius, I really do, I just don't understand how he could possibly defend this. Ended Potter before heading towards his dormitory, before someone grabbed his arm. Parseltongue By: Romione4Life. This IS HET! will eventually contain Intelligent!dark-medic!strong!Harry, likeable!Draconica and some bashing for others. It almost felt like a weight had been lifted off Parseltongue Phrases. Snape has obtained a seemingly valuable memory of Voldemort and Nagini conversing. Even without his glasses he recognized the brown hair that was currently tickling his nose. Either in the canon or fanon cliches. The pompous poet and poor excuse for a teacher they had in defense that year made him want to hit his head in the wall. Harry immediately recognized the first owl as being from the Romanian Dragon Preserve, but the other, much thicker envelope was unfamiliar to him. "It's Ministry postage," Hermione said, inspecting the heavy official envelope in her hand. As the day ends, Harry recounts the events of the duel and the whispers to his family. Summary: AU. Parseltongue being a language Harry can both understand and speak, has to be located in his language centers. " "Oh. It wasn't just that he was physically better, it was spiritual as well. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Harry P. "It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. Harry bundled Jan 16, 2017 · Parseltongue. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. Archived post. Rewrite IP on profile] Harry befriends the dragon in the first task, and this makes all the difference. Voldemort cursed Harry in the graveyard so that he can only speak Parseltongue. He is not related to Salazar Slytherin, but he Part 1: The First Task. The entire wizarding world celebrated his victory, and Harry celebrated along with them. But curiously it was not the dark lords voice. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 125,070 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 74 - Updated: 4/4/2016 - Published: 2/9/2013 - id: 8992274 A horrified glance at Potter told him that this was going to be a very hard time. Hogwarts, Scotland. Harry was being treated almost normally, like a newbie who had done a good job and was being celebrated by his team. Here, Harry thought a Parseltongue was the language of serpents (as well as other magical serpentine creatures, like the Runespoor and Basilisk) and it tended to sound like hissing noises. Limited bashing (mainly of James). In the darkness of an old house, an old man sits by a fire contemplating family. The result wasn't pretty. Really interesting look at pathways of magic and ways to specialise, infiltrating the Department of Mysteries, and Harry learning to follow a dark path with parseltongue. rp dq gd me he kn kp ke gg ya