Autopilot hybrid domain join vpn. Oct 20, 2019 · Overview.

Autopilot hybrid domain join vpn Jun 20, 2024 · The Microsoft Entra hybrid join process requires connectivity to both the Internet and a domain controller. Jul 1, 2021 · Has anyone been able to succesfully implement Autopilot over VPN using Global Protect with HAADJ devices? I have been facing this issue for months were there is no line of sight to the domain. For Deployment mode, select User-driven. While speaking to them I learned that are currently using basic credentials (LDAP+RADIUS) with GlobalProtect and are only attempting to setup certificate Mar 6, 2024 · Tip. The Windows Autopilot user-driven hybrid Azure AD join process checks that the device can contact Windows Server Active Jun 11, 2024 · The Autopilot user-driven process for Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices validates that the device can contact a domain controller by pinging that domain controller. Assuming that the device(s) are registered with Windows Autopilot, Hybrid Azure AD Autopilot deployment profile has been created and the Intune Connector for Active Directory is installed, we’re good to go. You should invest time to get your workstations ready for AADJ directly. Sep 21, 2021 · Hi All, We are testing windows auto-pilot Hybrid Azure AD join for provisioning new devices using Org's network. g. Select Next. Give your profile a name, select the platform as Windows 10 or later and the profile type to Domain Join. This scenario will apply to both Azure AD, and Hybrid AD joined Autopilot deployments. This post will learn details about the Windows Autopilot Hybrid Domain Join scenario. Devices enrolled via Autopilot, always getting enrolled Oct 1, 2021 · Understanding the challenge with Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join process in a Managed Domain environment. Here's more info regarding troubleshooting Jun 3, 2020 · If the ability to BYOVPN during a Autopilot HAADJ is released - Would this be able to process certificates normally applied from GPO from a Domain Join operation? Its a real chicken and egg situation without being able to have the clients VPN certs applied even if the Autopilot works with a third-party VPN client. So you can see the provisioning process started at 00:25:33, completed the AD join (ODJ) process at 00:26:50, had corporate network connectivity by 00:27:40, and had finished the Hybrid Azure AD Join device Mar 25, 2022 · Please Read This document explains how to configure EPM to support VPN with Autopilot Hybrid Join using Cisco AnyConnect VPN. Jan 25, 2020 · Windows 10 PC is registered to Autopilot, via PowerShell script or by your hardware vendor. If deploying devices off of the organization's network using VPN support, set the Skip Domain Connectivity Check option to Yes. You can create VPN configuration profile and scope it for Always On VPN, and then apply PowerShell Script for gpupdate using Intune. A VPN configuration with one of the following options: Can be deployed with Intune, and lets the user manually establish a Jun 29, 2020 · In one form or another, the ability to perform a user-driven hybrid Azure AD join over a VPN connection has been in preview since 2019. Any links, tutorials that you all used to do set this up would be helpful. In the Home screen, this option to Yes prevents the deployment from failing since there's no direct connectivity to Active Directory and domain controllers until the VPN connection is established. (ODJ) Connector, is to join computers to an on-premises domain during the Windows Autopilot process. For the “manually Oct 6, 2020 · @theodorbrander , From your description, I know we want to deploy Windows Autopilot user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join using a Always-ON VPN. I updated the Autopilot policy to enable “Skip AD Apr 12, 2024 · • Windows Autopilot with Hybrid Microsoft Entra ID Join. While speaking to them I learned that Aug 3, 2020 · Microsoft Intune: A Microsoft cloud-based management solution that offers mobile device management, mobile application management, and PC management capabilities. I know the Domain Controller is not in line of Sight. Then we consider Device Tunnel'-VPN Feb 20, 2025 · To use this deployment, you will need to create a package for Microsoft Intune to deploy to Windows Autopilot. 4 days ago · Hybrid Azure AD Join AutoPilot Deployment and Architectural Flow. Devices enrolled via Autopilot, always getting enrolled into the customer OG. controller. Autopilot communicates this to Intune, which then Nov 20, 2024 · 94477, If you plan to deploy Windows devices with Autopilot Hybrid Join, you should follow the following guidelines. For more information, see User-driven mode for Microsoft Entra hybrid join with VPN support. Configure the VPN solution to auto-connect. Yes, your understanding is correct For the AD join, the devices needs to connect to the DC in the on-premise domain. When reading about cloud native endpoints, you see the following terms: Endpoint: An endpoint is a device, like a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. I have query regarding cert deployment via intune for Vpn client authencation. The deployment works as expected on the corporate network. If the device is not in the Intranet, then VPN will be needed. It will indicate to Intune that it Sep 13, 2024 · To create a user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join Autopilot profile, follow these steps: Sign into the Microsoft Intune admin center. Can we use PKCS instead of Ndes/scep for hybrid Mar 13, 2023 · Technically AutoPilot does not require it, but in effect, it is required for HAADJ. Pre-stage VPN application. Offline Domain Join is one of the profiles which is targeted to the device and the Jul 23, 2024 · The user flow portion of the Microsoft Entra hybrid join process requires connectivity to both the Internet and a domain controller. Connect VPN and try to ping/rdp/network-share or even join the machine to Domain. Still, in public preview, the feature is now baked into the Sep 13, 2024 · Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join overview. Then AutoPilot really Jul 5, 2020 · At the beginning, I would like to highlight the fact that there are fantastic blogs already available out there, that are covering in details the scenario of Windows AutoPilot User-driven Hybrid Azure AD (HAAD) Join with May 23, 2020 · In the typical Windows Autopilot user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join scenario with the device on the corporate network, the device will quickly discover the SCP, generate a self-signed certificate, and update its userCertificate property on the AD computer object. Nov 17, 2020 · Once a machine is hybrid-joined, it seems AD and AAD user credentials become synonymous . This is, like, the point. Jul 15, 2019 · This profile is used by the Intune service (and never actually sent down to Intune devices, so don’t worry about targeting this to “All Devices” – it is only used during a Windows Autopilot user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join deployment) to figure out the Active Directory domain and OU that the computer object should be created in. I recently had a call with another company attempting to setup Autopilot following my previous post (Windows Autopilot with User-Driven Hybrid Azure AD Domain Join using Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN). Right now I am pushing forticlient MSI as win32 and PowerShell script as win32 to add vpn settings, somehow I need to find regkey that enable the feature before Intune installs the MSI I don’t have access to tool that modify exe file. Assuming Hybrid Identity is configured appropriately through AAD Connect, a user account accessing a file-share via a fully cloud-native device will be able to access the share in exactly the same way as a domain-joined device would. If Intune cannot find a domain join profile targeted to the device, the device provisioning process will time-out here at this stage, waiting for the ODJ blob. However, when setting up a new device and requiring a connection to the Aug 27, 2020 · This post is a walkthrough of evaluating the Autopilot Hybrid join over VPN scenario in a lab environment hosted in Azure. Note that this process requires line-of-sight to an AD Controller, and as such, devices must be either Feb 27, 2025 · How to - Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join - Step 2 of 10 - Install the Intune Connector(ESP). Sep 13, 2024 · To create a user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join Autopilot profile, follow these steps: [!INCLUDE Autopilot profiles before steps]. 6/10/2023: Update: Azure Active Directory is now called Entra ID You can Azure Domain Join, enroll Jun 19, 2024 · For an overview of the Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join workflow, see Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join overview. There are some main things I already consider when choosing between one or the other, such as: Considering the Entra Hybrid join scenario: The difficulty in setting up a tunnel (especially for some VPN brands) for frontline workers to be able to have access to the Domain Controller ; Considering Dec 2, 2021 · In this post, let’s see how to set Computer Name during Windows Autopilot. Feb 10, 2023 · The domain join profile is there everything is there. If Domain join isn't visible, scroll through the Template name list until Domain join is visible or search for Domain join in the Search by profile name box. I am currently working on the configuration of our Autopilot and Intune deployment. Compliance policies will be setup part of this setup. In this post, I will rely only on the inbuilt functionality of the Autopilot Profile configuration. In the Home screen, select Devices in the Apr 19, 2021 · Devices provisioned with Autopilot are Entra ID joined by default and managed using Microsoft Intune. The difference between a Microsoft Entra join and a Microsoft Entra hybrid join is that the Microsoft Entra hybrid join scenario joins both an on-premises domain and Microsoft Entra ID during Autopilot. ps1 script (described here) which I’ve enhance to show key Hybrid Azure AD device registration events:. After offline domain join (in Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join scenario), the computer record in Intune console gets updated as per Jan 20, 2025 · It’s deployed as an Intune application and relies on VPN connectivity (Always-On VPN (or similar) is the best option but push to connect also works). This setting is optional, but recommended. What issues were you actually having with this? I've had great success with hybrid Autopilot and GlobalProtect VPN. Nov 20, 2024 · Don’t deploy other resources than Domain Join configuration and VPN application / profile in the customer OG. The Domain Join screen opens. Jun 11, 2024 · In the Microsoft Entra hybrid join profile for Autopilot, enable the following option: Skip domain connectivity check. Intune Configurations. Steps we have followed: 1. Windows Autopilot Hybrid Domain Join Setup Architecture Feb 16, 2024 · Are you using hybrid join in Autopilot? You mentioned hardware hash, so I am guessing this is related to Autopilot. May 24, 2023 · Hybrid joined devices continue to use the on-premises Domain Controller for initial authentication. This feature is still currently in Preview, but worth testing and checking it out. After this option is selected, several the options underneath this option will Jun 23, 2020 · In my previous post, I talked about the new VPN support for user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join. The Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join scenario was the first “large scale” implementation of an ODJ transport service: the Windows 10 OS would signal to the MDM service that “I need to do an offline domain join” and the MDM service then responds back with an ODJ blob. Make sure Jul 10, 2020 · Windows Autopilot until now has only worked 100% remotely for Azure AD Joined devices. The device is normally delivered directly from an OEM or reseller to the end-user without the need for IT intervention. May 2, 2022 · Windows 11 Setup Internals, 4 days March 10-13, 2025 (US Time) Mastering Windows 10/11 Upgrade, 4 days March 17-20, 2025 (US Time) ConfigMgr (SCCM) Troubleshooting, 5 days With Autopilot on Hybrid AD Join, Active Directory must be join by computer. Enrollment: The process of requesting, receiving, and installing a certificate. It is not completing it, because it is not seeing the Domain Controller and getting the OJB file? Jul 27, 2020 · At the end, I executed the Get-AutopilotDiagnostics. For example, enter Windows 10/11: Domain join profile that includes on-premises domain information to enroll hybrid AD joined devices with Windows Autopilot. If the domain join process fails then Autopilot fails, you can allow the users to reset the process in the ESP configuration profile. Configuration policies, like BitLocker, domain join, windows upgrade edition (if needed) will be pushed from Intune. Jan 9, 2022 · Hi JE, I agree with Rudy you always need VPN with Hybrid Join. Then we Jul 20, 2020 · There are two situations where Autopilot does not check connectivity to a domain controller in a Hybrid Azure AD Join scenario: The Autopilot profile has been configured to “Skip AD connectivity check,” and is Jan 28, 2025 · Breakpoint 2 – Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join. MayaK06 . For this specific thing we now have the capability to use Hybrid AAD Autopilot where t VPN is pushed which connects to the corp network before the user needs to login to the machine, making it in line of DC for successful login. “always on”) or it needs to be one that the user can manually initiate from the Windows logon screen. Optionally, an administrator can enable hybrid Entra ID join by also joining the device to an on-premises Active Aug 27, 2020 · As an IT admin you plan to ship new devices to end users which can join the on-premises AD (Active Directory) by leveraging Autopilot with Intune for device management. Hybrid Azure AD is domain joined plus Sep 24, 2020 · Back in April, at the beginning of the pandemic, I started putting a lot of focus into getting Windows Autopilot to work with Hybrid Join clients and Microsoft Always On VPN. I used to be in the same boat but I used password write back from AD Connect to Active Directory, this way helped a lot as the users will be able to change their password from the cloud and write back to Domain Controller which always make them in sync with Active Directory. In our environment we have certificate connector is installed which is currently used for ios and Android devices I. During the enrollment process, the information included in the domain join Dec 1, 2024 · Dear Team, We need to setup Autopilot in Hybrid Entra ID join with VPN and in this case, user will be in remote location other than office network. In Jul 24, 2024 · In the Join to Microsoft Entra ID as box, select Microsoft Entra hybrid joined. If there are other resources assigned to the device, the Autopilot Hybrid Join process might time out. Ive tried following this guide to no Jun 25, 2020 · With the latest Microsoft Intune updates, we've opened up key new capabilities for Windows Autopilot thanks to your feedback and the requirements you've expressed. Exact details for each VPN client though are up to the VPN vendor. The additional components required to pull of Hybrid Azure AD Sep 21, 2020 · How did you push the device cert using Intune? I'm trying to do the same thing, have pre-logon VPN working with Global Protect for existing computers by using a device certificate that is generated from our domain controller and pushed out via group policy. Now that your base infrastructure configuration is complete, you can proceed with the Intune configuration. Applicable to Windows 1809 and later versions, here’s an overview how the Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD join works. May 4, 2023 · - I have the same issue. However, to answer your question - we now have this working, we had to create a explicit CA rule that targets AutoPilot devices that granted access to the App "Intune Enrollment" and "Intune" for Hybrid AD Joined Devices. User-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join now supports VPN. The Intune Connector for Active Directory creates computer objects in a specified Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Jun 20, 2024 · When the templates appear, under Template name, select Domain join. This post is a walkthrough of evaluating the Autopilot Jul 7, 2024 · In most Windows Autopilot deployments, a Windows 10 or Windows 11 machine is joined to Azure AD. The user-driven hybrid Azure AD join process in Windows Autopilot involves checking the. The second link above discussed this briefly and includes links to the relevant documentation. Jun 28, 2022 · @Blindf8th , For Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD join device, it seems you want the devices to join to on-premise domain and then register to Azure AD. Drive mapping and printer Jun 11, 2024 · In the Microsoft Entra hybrid join profile for Autopilot, enable the following option: Skip domain connectivity check. Jan 18, 2019 · You can join the PCs Hybrid Azure AD which gives you ability to use Traditional GPOs and Configuration Profiles and Security Baseline in Intune. Aug 31, 2020 · Win 10, Domain Joined, Hybrid AD Join, Login without DC. You would still need line-of-sight to the server either physically or via a VPN. I saw that I can enable “enable vpn before logon”. In the Basics page: Next to Name Mar 15, 2021 · Although the future is to move to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for lots of organizations still have the need to Domain Join (Local AD domain join) devices still because of legacy issues. Set up users in AD and assign MS licenses (which has intune and azure ad premium) 2. A VPN configuration with one of the following options: Can be deployed with Intune, and lets the user manually establish a Mar 22, 2024 · Autopilot with Entra Hybrid join for the device . "Endpoints" and "devices" are used interchangeably. Jun 23, 2020 · The device will use the Azure AD user credentials provided by the user to complete the Intune MDM enrollment. Note If a domain join profile is already created with the desired settings and assignments, move on to the Next step: Assign Autopilot device to a user (optional) section. Either way, the VPN client must be deployed during the device phase of Autopilot. The script runs as a scheduled task, continually retrying until it succeeds. Mar 14, 2022 · As for initiating the VPN, there are two ways to do this: an auto-connecting VPN or a user-initiated VPN. This package will contain the GlobalProtect MSI file along with a couple of wrapper scripts you will create to Aug 11, 2021 · From an Intune perspective hybrid AD is 100% supported, the feature they released last year was literally to enable Autopilot for hybrid AD clients over VPN. This is because a regular domain-joined computer requires connectivity to domain controllers. The MS engineer you spoke to is very incorrect in saying that. The ideas in this document may be extendable to other VPNs, however, EPM may require changes to support some VPNs Background 2021 SU1 included support for Autopilot Hybrid Join but only On-premise. Mar 3, 2025 · Step 8: Configure and assign domain join profile; Step 9: Assign Autopilot device to a user (optional) Step 10: Deploy the device; For an overview of the Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join workflow, see Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join overview. In part of the Microsoft AutoPilot deployment, we deploy already the CheckPoint Mobile to the machine - The machine is a Fresh windows machine that didn't join the domain yet - Our VPN Client (CheckPoint), use Azure MFA to authenticate - One of the step in the AutoPilot, is to join the machine to the AD Hybrid Domain May 22, 2023 · Hi all, We have a hybrid active directory set up between our servers held in a DC and our Azure AD. Hi Maya, Thanks for your response - I too think maybe AutoPilot is being asked in other forums too, as Cibavision says - no one posts in here 🙂. HAADJ endpoints are only "joined" top the on-prem AD domain and thus on-prem AD user credentials May 25, 2022 · After a few minutes, Windows 10 machine gets an offline domain join blob from Intune. In most Windows Autopilot Sep 14, 2021 · A device certificate issued using SCEP support from Intune (assuming you use an auto-connecting VPN connection) An Intune domain join profile ; For a walkthrough that uses the built-in Windows 10 VPN client, see Trying out Autopilot hybrid join over VPN in your Azure lab. For complete information on installing and configuring ODJ service, refer to Domain join installation and configuration. e PKCS CERTIFICATE profile. Mar 15, 2022 · Autopilot to the rescue. This is the hybrid approach to onboarding devices, where devices first get enrolled to Intune during the autopilot process and receive a ODJ blob to complete the “domain join” process. The Intune Connector for Active Directory creates computer objects in a specified Organizational Unit (OU) in . For Join to Microsoft Entra ID as, select Microsoft Entra hybrid joined. Windows Autopilot user-driven Microsoft Entra hybrid join is an Autopilot solution that automates the configuration of Windows on a new device. Apr 28, 2024 · Always-ON VPN support for user-driven hybrid Azure. I described the key VPN requirements: The VPN connection either needs to be automatically established (e. Joe Robinson 1 Reputation point. This solution does not work over a VPN, however the same would be possible soon(in July 2020 release of Intune service) and there would be a different blog on the same once it is supported. However, most organizations still rely on On-premise, on-prem Active Directory. Does the workstation have connectivity to a domain controller? Is Entra Connect syncing correctly? @theodorbrander , From your description, I know we want to deploy Windows Autopilot user-driven Hybrid Azure AD Join using a Always-ON VPN. It’s important that you understand the possible breakpoints of Hybrid Azure AD Join with Windows Autopilot for a MANAGED domain environment so that you are well aware of what you are getting yourself into. Microsoft has added the ability to join the On-prem domain as part of the Autopilot setup. Jan 12, 2021 · Hello, We want to enable hybrid aad join autopilot to domain join over Forticlient vpn. Here is my scenario, Machine is provisioned using the Hybrid Join Skip AD connectivity check, the machine is at a remote location with NO line of site access to DC. Don’t deploy other resources than Domain Join configuration and VPN application / profile in the customer OG. I was looking at both for different reasons but also Jun 29, 2020 · VPN support for user-driven hybrid Azure AD join. From a Hybrid Azure AD join perspective, an auto-connecting VPN would again Sep 13, 2024 · To create a pre-provisioned Microsoft Entra hybrid join Autopilot profile, follow these steps: Sign into the Microsoft Intune admin center. With this scenario, the computer can be enrolled on Microsoft Autopilot without being connected to the local network The option Skip domain connectivity check Jan 9, 2021 · We are planning to implement hybrid domain join autopilot over vpn. Jun 23, 2020 · Hi Everyone, We are using Autopilot Whiteglove with Hybrid Azure AD join over internet with VPN. Sep 30, 2022 · Assuming Hybrid Identity is configured appropriately through Entra ID Connect, a user account accessing a file-share via a fully cloud-native device will be able to access the share in exactly the same way as a domain-joined device would. Hybrid Azure AD Domain Join (HAADJ) is garbage. If you plan for individuals to login to these computers when they do not have line of sight to the on-premises Domain Controller, selecting Azure AD Joining instead of hybrid joining may be a better option but you should weigh the pros and cons. Every other configuration can cause deployment issues, timeouts, or errors. is-danger} 2: Jun 23, 2020 · However, it seems the Hybrid Join Skip process prevents you logging onto the machine until such a time that AD DC is in line of site and you logon using the internal AD DC account. I tried pre login but it never showed the option to actually join VPN. Jul 7, 2024 · Let’s learn more about the Windows Autopilot Hybrid Domain Join Step-by-Step Implementation guide. At the moment we deploy new laptops manually, so I am looking at our Nov 7, 2018 · In order to successfully perform an Hybrid Azure AD join for a Windows Autopilot device using Intune, the following infrastructure requirements have to be setup and configured: did you had a VPN connection to the on Sep 19, 2023 · Prior to this, Autopilot would always try to find a domain controller before it would continue the deployment process, but unless you had successfully implemented an Always-On VPN connection (“all you have to do is replace your current VPN with the Windows Always On VPN solution”) that would never work. Select Create to close the Create a profile window. Feb 27, 2025 · How to - Windows Autopilot for pre-provisioned deployment Microsoft Entra hybrid join - Step 2 of 11 - Install the Intune Connector (ODJ) Connector, is to join computers to an on-premises domain during the Windows Autopilot process. In Intune go to Device Configuration > Profiles > Device Profiles and then Add Profile. Next, we must create a Intune Configuration profile to tell our devices to hybrid domain join. This is not correct. Aug 24, 2021 · Hybrid Azure AD join via Windows Autopilot – Complex Architecture, More Breakpoints. is-danger} 2: Jan 28, 2025 · ODJ service is an "Add-on" service and is installed through WebUI after completing the initial MDM server installation. We need to have them added to our domain due to all of the needed Group Policies that cannot be easily converted to Intune policies. For devices which are Hybrid Azure AD Joined via Active Directory, Windows Autopilot could fail as it required the device to have line-of-sight to a Domain Controller to perform the Domain Join operation. Description: Enter a description for the policy. If the connected network doesn't have connectivity to a domain controller, a solution such as a VPN that has connectivity to a domain controller is required. Have you implemented Autopilot with Hybrid domain join? Share your experiences with device naming in the comments Jan 16, 2020 · Intune Hybrid Domain Join Configuration Profile. For the Hybrid Azure AD join scenario, Windows Autopilot service and Microsoft Intune only take care of getting the device enrolled to Intune, by virtue of which it can receive the ODJ blob to get joined to Active Directory. In the Out-of-box experience (OOBE) page:. Sep 13, 2024 · The Autopilot profile specifies how the device is configured during Windows Setup and what is shown during the out-of-box experience (OOBE). The actual “Hybrid Azure AD Join” Jul 19, 2021 · I recently had a call with another company attempting to setup Autopilot following my previous post (Windows Autopilot with User-Driven Hybrid Azure AD Domain Join using Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN). For the VPN profile, it is a per user setting which will not deployed. The device is being connected through Wireless network from home and trying to join the Autopilot process. Managed endpoints: Endpoints that receive policies from the organization using an MDM solution or Group Policy Mar 3, 2025 · For example, a good policy name is Windows 10/11: Windows Autopilot domain join. {. device's ability to communicate with Windows Server Active Directory through a domain. The main topic discussed in this post is the hostname or computer naming standards, and templates should Aug 23, 2021 · I am working on getting everything tested and configured to set up new devices with Autopilot and Intune. PC receives an Autopilot deployment profile specifying it will be Hybrid joined. Apr 22, 2019 · While the main scenario is to join computers to Azure AD, leaving the on-prem domain aside is for sure not realist in many cases. AD join. . Jan 27, 2020 · The domain join profile will include parameters such as your domain name and the definition of the OU you created for Autopilot devices. Add in groups 3. Oct 20, 2019 · Overview. skv amuholw qvbs vpmup ducj ksl auzmygea ugcw btnx mlfni xwwibna potubr ufofq nhqx fhkdrg