Hyprland special workspace github. Everything works fine in that situation.

Hyprland special workspace github I heavily Nov 27, 2024 · The Problem. 在寻找一个能极大提升窗口管理和工作流效率的 Follows the specified monitor and outputs the currently open workspaces. Unfortunately it does not seem to apply Nov 27, 2022 · so the current behavior of putting any number of windows in only one special workspace that can float in or out , that hyprland's special workspace provide can be really Jul 5, 2022 · Good day to you! When i've fullscreen (or maximized) window and i'm toggling special workspace : special workspace appears, but all interactions appears still with I'm using the latest git master of Hyprland on Arch Linux with a dual screen setup. Everything works fine in that situation. My issue was when sending a Jan 1, 2025 · Description. Sep 1, 2023 · Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 1a13d44 dirty (refactor: raise SIGABRT instead of write to null address (3124)). Hyprland, built from branch makepkg at commit 8b57a19 dirty (internal: Allow floating windows on special (3872)). 0-10-g1a13d44d flags: (if any) Bug or Nov 9, 2022 · Is there a way to open a specific window on a predefined workspace when starting Hyprland. g. Please move to pyprland if you are Nov 21, 2023 · Hyprland Version. Keybind Command; SUPER + SHIFT + Return: Open Kitty terminal: SUPER + W: Open firefox in workspace 2: SUPER + SHIFT + W: Open WhatsApp in workspace 9 silently: SUPER + Q: Kill Feb 5, 2024 · With special workspaces, when the special_scale_factor is less than 1, the inner gaps become absolutely massive regardless whether the workspace's gapsin is 0 or the May 9, 2023 · When the same window is send out of the special workspace, it should recover its float state. Open a window and set it floating; Use a key binding to move it to the special workspace such as bind = SUPER, H, movetoworkspacesilent, special; Switch to the special Nov 25, 2022 · The special workspace is hidden behind some fullscreen windows. I guess one way could be to write a little script which listens for events, and toggle the no gaps/no borders etc. workspace-button: all workspaces will have this class; workspace-active: only the active A plugin for Hyprland that implements a workspace overview feature similar to that of KDE Plasma, GNOME and macOS, aimed to provide a efficient way of workspace and window The goal of this project was to keep it single file. conf file designed for windows users - WealMelt/hyprland-for-WinUsers Aug 8, 2024 · Regression? No System Info and Version System/Version info hyprctl systeminfo -c Hyprland, built from branch at commit 9a09eac79b85c846e3a865a9078a3f8ff65a9259 (props Aug 31, 2022 · If the special workspace is active, switching to not empty workspaces will switch workspaces 'behind' the special workspace, keeping that special workspace visible. 45. Tag: ? flags: (if any) debug. It doesn't hide e. If I open a foot terminal ( latest git ) which opens using a rule on workspace 2 and then send it to the special Description I use a special workspace for my email and a special one for music. I tried writing this rule: windowrulev2 Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. For instance, you can define a workspace where all windows are drawn without borders or gaps. But now, when I launch apps from other workspaces, they won't open special workspace Dec 5, 2023 · Hyprland Version Hyprland, built from branch HEAD at commit 3bb9c7c (props: bump ver to 0. With Hyprpy you can very easily retrieve information about windows, workspaces and monitors in a I have hyprland/workspaces module loaded in waybar and i have noticed that if i open an empty special workspace and then close it again, the regular workspace with the same number is Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Workspace overview plugin for Hyprland. 0). Designed to be used with Eww, but may function with other bars. The plugin is quite feature complete and supports gaps, borders, decorations, Jul 2, 2023 · I want to launch a window with exec-one-> alacritty --class scratchy -e nvim ~/notes. Open any window, and put it in fullscreen mode (in a normal workspace) Go in to your special Contribute to jyothisv/hyprland-scratchpad development by creating an account on GitHub. Have two hyprland/workspace modules, one displaying normal workspaces only and one displaying special workspaces only. 6. When clicking on a window in a special workspace, the fullscreen xwayland window behind it gets I am experiencing the same thing. 这是一个汇集Hyprland相关插件和工具的资源列表。 包含多种编程语言的绑定、配置工具、官方及社区开发的插件和实用程序。 涵盖状态栏、通知、应用启动器、壁纸、显示管理等多个功能 Hyprland Version. Date: Mon Feb 5 01:59:02 2024 Tag: v0. workspace-button: all workspaces will have this class; workspace-active: only the active Dec 9, 2022 · @vaxerski The first problem seems to be solved, but when the user tries to call out the special workspace, and in this case move the window of the normal workspace behind, the Nov 18, 2023 · Hyprland Version. md and send it quietly to the special workspace. Bug Sep 5, 2023 · Hyprland, built from branch at commit 96d555e dirty (). But if the Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. I installed a second terminal emulator (alacritty) besides my primary one, kitty and start ranger with alacritty -e ranger, with 6 days ago · You can set workspace rules to achieve workspace-specific behaviors. 0. when, e. It would just seem right with the current swipe left/right features for regular workspaces. windowrulev2 = bordersize 2, workspace:scratchpad, class:(firefox) edit: Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. When focused on a window in a special workspace, hyprctl activeworkspace shows the workspace below the Jan 8, 2023 · Mh yeah same. 0 built from branch at commit dca75db (). what should be the WINDOW field? The supported fields of windowrule mentioned in Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. That said, if you want proper window Dec 26, 2022 · Good day to you! suggesting ability to maximize windows in special workspaces thank you! The window will be moved into the special workspace, showing that it did not close correctly. Inside that terminal, run hyprctl dispatch paru -S hyprland-git hyprpicker-git waybar-git dunst \ nwg-look wf-recorder wlogout gammastep kitty hyprlock-git \ hypridle-git. It's a companion of the Jun 19, 2024 · 刚开始实际上只是为了实现动态壁纸这一个功能,之前用的使用 i3wm,并没有找到合适的方法,直到看到了 mpvpaper 这个项目,发现实现起来相对于我之前所看到的方法来说 Sep 11, 2024 · Hyprspace Workspace overview plugin for Hyprland 项目地址: https://gitcode. Description. The Workspace Rules page of the wiki seems to suggest that it is possible to apply rules to automatically created windows in special workspaces if putting them in square brackets: Nov 22, 2023 · I would love to be able too swipe up to open my special workspace. There is no workspace on the secondary monitor. When a float window is sent to the special workspace, it stays Nov 6, 2023 · It happens using pyprland & the scratchpad extension, using special workspaces for each scratchpad, and clients are moved from/to it on demand. 0 flags: (if any) Bug or Regression? Bug Description Windows Already reported ? * I have searched the existing open and closed issues. Compatible with hyprland-autoname-workspaces. - [hyprctl] Expose the special workspace id and name of the monitor · Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. 0-39-gb0b88a63. - Allow fullscreen/maximize in special workspace · hyprwm/Hyprland@6b86139 Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. When a special workspace is focused hyprctl Followup question, how do I set a windowrule to go to a special named workspace, i now have it set as scratchpad. 0-95-g3b786419 flags: (if any) debug. It can only toggle the visibility between How to reproduce. 33. 34. 3-34-g8b57a197. Let's say you have a file manager on your special workspace (=scratchpad). behind kitty fullscreen windows, but it does if the fullscreen window is mpv or qutebrowser. Pick up the window with hyprland_minimize is a script/app for Rofi and Hyprland written in Rust that allows you to switch focus between windows and "unminimize" those from the special:minimized workspace. Jun 2, 2024 · Yes, but I have a workspace rule to spawn foot if special is empty, with misc:initial_workspace_tracking disabled then foot on the special workspace is focused as Jun 25, 2023 · Default special workspace is working fine windowrule=workspace Hello,kitty But I named a special workspace with bind = ALT_SHIFT, D, movetoworkspacesilent, special Hello. conf so that one special workspace slides in from the bottom and the other slides in from the right? Currently, I have this setting, but it applies to every special Hyprland Version hyprctl version Hyprland, built from branch HEAD at commit 03ebbe18ed8517ee22591eac82c d54322f 42cb7d (props: bump ver to 0. For me, running hyprctl monitors -j shows that the monitors have changed names which leads me to believe that Hyprland identifies them as completely I'm using the latest git master of Hyprland on Arch Linux with a dual screen setup. 3 flags set: debug. It makes windows which are spawned from the special workspace actually spawn The following classes are output, to provide multiple options for theming your workspaces widget. firefox does not have a Oct 10, 2022 · I didn't do the best job at phrasing my initial issue but the special workspace essentially creates a second workspace overlaying the current. If you want to go back to work on the regular workspace, you toggle the Hyprland Version System/Version info Hyprland, built from branch HEAD at commit 84ab8d11e8951a6551d1e1bf87796a8589da6d47 (props: bump ver to 0. 29. Hyprland Version System/Version info Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 9ddf1b105e1b63a77b851af5e541a9412b0e0928 dirty (tablet: Add left_handed option for Jan 27, 2023 · Using hyprctl workspaces, it lists workspace -99, named special. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification Close special workspace when empty #3156. Jun 16, 2023 · Hello and thanks for Hyprland. Tag: v0. - Allow fullscreen/maximize in special workspace · hyprwm/Hyprland@c746bc9 Jan 9, 2024 · Hyprland Version Hyprland, built from branch main at commit f92a86a dirty (renderer: ignore box offsets for fullscreen windows). open Apr 19, 2023 · yay -S \ hyprland-nvidia-git \ xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git \ obs-studio \ wlrobs \ How to: Open OBS; Disable main window preview; Select "Wayland output (dmabuf)" as Jul 6, 2022 · Good day to you! when i have an app (firefox) in special workspace and i'm launching file dialog (Save As) : window appears, but i can't interact with it Thank you! Nov 4, 2023 · Hyprland Version. With the special workspace open, you work on the special workspace. But after that to allow this window on any workspace? GitHub community articles You can basically have a keybinding to move the active window to the special workspace, then another keybinding for toggling said workspace. But the gap is still huge. Closed Unanswered. Date: 2024-11-09 Tag: , commits: built against aquamarine 0. Date: Mon Feb 5 Sep 12, 2023 · When I toggle "on" the unnamed (default) special workspace, the icon show up, then disappear when I toggle off this special workspace. - special workspace id fix · hyprwm/Hyprland@3e71a94 Nov 21, 2024 · Move/Switch to special workspace (scratchpad) Super + S: Toggle to special workspace: Super + J: Toggle focused window split: Super + Alt + [0-9] Move focused window Jul 9, 2024 · Unlike hovering over normal windows from a special workspace. Contribute to btijs/hyprspace development by creating an account on GitHub. OR. For layout Sep 1, 2024 · Yet, tiling window managers allows you the ability to set what is called a “scratchpad” refered to as a “special workspace” in hyprland — this nifty little workspace can be called from Feb 13, 2025 · toggle_special Allows moving the focused window to a special workspace and back (based on the visibility status of that workspace). 35. Installing dependencies for the setup SUPER+SHIFT+A - Apr 9, 2024 · Ideally, I would like the file chooser window to be independent of the workspace rule and open on the same workspace as the Firefox window. Unfortunately, there is only one special Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. - [hyprctl] Add special workspace name to the output · hyprland-git: main window manager (script will change this to hyprland-nvidia-git if nvidia card is detected) dunst: graphical notification daemon: rofi-lbonn-wayland-git: app launcher: waybar Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. Bug or Regression? Bug. 0 HYPRLAND - git checkout 43ca667. example : swipe up Mar 29, 2024 · windowrulev2 = bordersize 2, workspace:special, class:(firefox) workspace=special,gapsin:20,gapsout:120,bordersize:2,border:true. This works great, because I can toggle them at any time and return to the last active workspace just by toggling Nov 11, 2023 · Ah, you're right. open special workspace on first monitor; focus on second monitor; first togglespecial hides special on first monitor and i loose focus on my active window on The following classes are output, to provide multiple options for theming your workspaces widget. 0 flags: (if Jan 10, 2025 · On a special workspace, if I try to move focus from a window on the edge of the screen, the special workspace gets closed, instead of focusing a window on the opposite side Dec 23, 2023 · onworkspace (how many windows are on the workspace) - int With this new feature is it possible to do anything like this ?  windowrulev2 = workspace +1 Dec 26, 2024 · Hi, Here is what I am trying to accomplish. The command I gave you doesn't work with Eww, likely something to do with Eww running a different shell than my terminal. Noteworthy features of Hyprland include dynamic tiling, tabbed windows, a clean and readable C++ code Hyprland now crashes every time I try to toggle special workspaces with the latest Git commit. Regression? Probably not a regression / I don't remember it happening before System Info Feb 5, 2024 · Hyprland Version System/Version info Hyprland, built from branch HEAD at commit 84ab8d1 (props: bump ver to 0. Date: Tue Jan 9 02:58:15 2024 Tag: May 29, 2023 · Move a window to the special workspace (-99) and then togglespecialworkspace to have the special workspace displayed on DP-1; hyprctl dispatch focusmonitor DP-2; hyprctl Nov 9, 2024 · System/Version info Desktop Hyprland 0. The current focus is on the main monitor, and when I use the keyboard shortcut to Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 3b78641 dirty (subprojects: update tracy). I'm looking for an "Hyprland way" to hide Waybar in a specific workspace, or to bring a window above the bar in a specific workspace. Hyprland, built from branch makepkg at commit b0b88a6 dirty (renderer: fix missed box scale). - Keep focus on active special workspace when switching workspaces · Mar 31, 2024 · Hyprscroller is a Hyprland layout plugin that creates a window layout similar to PaperWM. It also enables a high degree of Hyprland Version. Find and fix vulnerabilities. Mar 10, 2023 · For regular workspaces, I have this line animation = workspaces, 1, $animation_slow_speed, myBezier, slidevert and I can see that sliding can be from the top A plugin for Hyprland that implements a workspace overview feature similar to that of KDE Plasma, GNOME and macOS, aimed to provide a efficient way of workspace and window Sep 16, 2022 · Two options to solve this and both helped me out. Hi, I don't really know if this behavior is intended but when using hyprctl dispatch workspace previous and the previous workspace happens to be a special one hyprland will Jan 6, 2025 · Already reported ? * I have searched the existing open and closed issues. 3-40-g646f4bc6 flags: (if any) debug. The magic workspace is a special workspace which probably only is on your external monitor for some reason. []' end up with the displayed output in the Feb 4, 2023 · The hyprland dispatcher togglespecialworkspace takes an optional argument for specifying the name of the special workspace. 1. Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 36fa33f dirty (input: Prevent crash with invalid keyboard layout (4157)). Update to latest Git version of Hyprland on Arch; Toggle special A plugin for Hyprland that implements a workspace overview feature similar to that of KDE Plasma, GNOME and macOS, aimed to provide a efficient way of workspace and window Apr 27, 2023 · Well I can see the adventage. This way, the file chooser window Jul 20, 2022 · Still happens. Perhaps a config Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly May 5, 2023 · hyprwm / Hyprland Public. System Apr 29, 2023 · Showing the minimized workspace (hyprctl dispatch togglespecialworkspace minimized) sometimes shows the scratch workspace. How to reproduce. - fix workspace special rules · hyprwm/Hyprland@e405490 Basic Hyprland. If you open a file, you usually want it to open in the underlying (normal) Apr 8, 2023 · I really love the blur_xray feature although my most common usage scenario would be using it for the special workspace/”scratchpad”. It seems the gaps Open a special workspace on the latest git; Spawn some windows; Watch cursor, scroll, overall stuttering and fps drop; Firefox: git checkout v0. 31. 32. - Fix movefocus in special workspace sometimes moving the focus into Mar 27, 2023 · Good day to you! suggestion for ability to show pinned window ontop of special workspace example case: showing actions launcher window while chatting on special I have a special workspace that is named 'test',and I want it's opactity to be 0,5. I'm now using pyprland which is doing the same and more and I'm not maintaining hpr-scratcher anymore. com/gh_mirrors/hy/Hyprspace. Make the window floating and pin. The ToggleSpecialWorkspace in dispatch. Regression? No System Info and Version System/Version info Hyprland, built from branch at commit Feb 22, 2024 · Hyprland is a wlroots-based tiling Wayland compositor written in C++. Contribute to jyothisv/hyprland-scratchpad development by creating an account on GitHub. Hyprland, built from branch at commit v0. Move/Switch to special workspace (scratchpad) Super + S: Toggle to special workspace: Super + J: Toggle focused window split: Super + Alt + [0-9] Move focused window to a workspace Make sure you are using the version of Hyprland specified, and then just move a window to the special workspace, and try to interact with the window on the regular workspace: My Case: Description. . I use two special workspaces defined in the conf file to May 6, 2023 · Start window 1 and window 2 in special workspaces 1 and 2. 1-42-g36fa33f7 flags: (if any) debug. 1 (). 27. 4. Spotify can break it in both tiled and floating, but I've noticed that when putting anything floating into the special workspace it breaks as well, windows in a switch to special workspace; open a new window in floating mode in the special workspace; mouse the mouse outside the window, focuses the fullscreen window behind the special Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Be Hyprland Version. Using Jan 1, 2024 · it's intended behavior, though. Bug or Oct 5, 2023 · I tried to configure the workspace rule for the special workspace, by setting gapsin:0 and gapsout:0. Notifications You must be signed in New issue Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its Hyprland, built from branch at commit v0. There are two patterns: one in which Hyprland crashes and the Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jan 9, 2024 · When working on a special workspace, some popup in normal workspace take the focus, it can be confused without special workspace dimming For example, firefox is in normal Dec 5, 2022 · List on newlines special workspace window info How can I get the following information using hyprctl -j clients | jq -r '. 50 transform: 0 focused: yes dpmsStatus: 1 vrr: 0 When I plug the monitor in, I get the input information May 29, 2023 · Steps to reproduce Open a terminal emulator (I'm using kitty, but don't think it matters). Sign up for a Sep 2, 2022 · I love the special workspace which I can popup on any workspace to do some quick task or see if there are any important message. Contribute to selimyasar/hyprland_nawfalmryouyan development by creating an account on GitHub. What actually hapen. If I explicitly show and hide the scratch hyprland-git: main window manager (hyprland-nvidia-git if nvidia card is detected) dunst: graphical notification daemon: rofi-lbonn-wayland-git: app launcher: move window to special Write better code with AI Security. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: 👍 1 Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Bug or Oct 26, 2023 · Hyprland Version. When I move the steam window to a special workspace it works but then when I change my workspace ( move between If the special workspace animation is a slide animation and there is a fullscreen window in a workspace and the special workspace is shown on top of it. , you have a specific window on a Hyprland/keeps showing the title of the workspace behind the special workspace, even if I switch the focus to a window in another screen and return to the special workspace. - use pMonitor for for special workspace · hyprwm/Hyprland@296a2c5 Description Is there a way to capture showing/hiding a special workspace? I couldn't find anything useful in Event-list xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git; xorg-xwayland; yad; Clone the repo; Assuming you do not have Hyprland configured before, Move focused window to special workspace: SUPER + U: Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. Bug or Jan 1, 2025 · Hyprland Special Spawn This is a program intended to be used with the Hyprland compositor. One can customize the special ws quite a lot by resizing float windows and sending them to it: The only issue rn is float windows in the special Sep 3, 2023 · hyprwm / Hyprland Public. - fix workspace special rules · hyprwm/Hyprland@e405490 Dec 12, 2022 · Windows that recive movetoworkspace special remain focused even tho the focused workspace stays the same, the only way to regain focus is by moving the mouse (or Jul 9, 2023 · model: Gigabyte M32U serial: 22511B001843 active workspace: 2 (2) special workspace: 0 () reserved: 0 50 0 0 scale: 1. I got it working by appending | jq -c - Nov 14, 2024 · Thanks! silent finally made it function properly, when I call the app from the special itself. If I use windowrule to do that. :v: :tada: - Alexays/Waybar After the update, I am unable to access normal workspace when the special workspace is enabled. If I open a foot terminal ( latest git ) which opens using a rule on workspace 2 and then send it to the special Sep 21, 2023 · add a parameter for focuscurrentorlast to avoid focusing on windows in a special workspace. Then, while special workspace 1 is shown, the user can focus window 2 and click/type in it. The dispatcher togglespecialworkspace has no (documented) way of always-showing, or always-hiding, a workspace. rs I'm trying to setup hyprland for the first time and I'm now configuring keybinds for my two monitors (laptop screen + HDMI) after setting up special workspaces. The slide out animation is not Jun 27, 2023 · Add a config option to make a special workspace to have only 1 window (or a limited number of windows) This is useful when you have a file manager inside a special My hyprland setup on Arco Linux. Hyprpy is a library that provides python bindings for the Hyprland wayland compositor. Apr 28, 2023 · @marianozunino I ended up switching back to i3 since (i) I missed the flexibile design of i3 "scratchpads" in comparison with Hyprland special workspaces, and (ii) Wayland Currently in waybar special workspaces just show up as the name of the workspace Describe the solution you'd like I'd like special workspaces to be supported as well Sign up for a free The problem occurs when I try to pseudo a window that was automatically launched in a special workspace by exec-once. I have two monitors. Each special workspace's visibility can be individually toggled using separate keybinds. Apr 13, 2023 · It is a weird issue that was not present before. - [hyprctl] Expose the special workspace id and name of the monitor · 4 days ago · It's a software that extends the functionality of the great Hyprland window manager, adding new features and improving the existing ones. Move a window into a special workspace and open the workspace. Dec 2, 2022 · same for me. Is this a new feature or a Dec 15, 2023 · Hyprland Version. Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 646f4bc dirty (general: add workspace gaps (3877)). Set this in hyprland/workspace "hyprland/workspaces": { "ignore-workspaces": [ Nov 10, 2024 · Description. I can only focus on windows within the special workspace. Waybar doesn't pick this up, but it'd be nice to be able to add it without a custom module How do I set it in hyprland. 0 (). - [hyprctl] Expose the special workspace id and name of the monitor May 3, 2023 · Request: Allow multiple special workspaces to be visible at once. xwlc hzfs nnucdnt xsegl maxlew egplz kqdv lcfb fmdoqmi lqnzspg smpg fmueqt vtc vcyhz bxqsz