Journal of business ethics ft50 134, issue 4, No 4, 553-574 Abstract: Abstract In this paper, we examine the information content of insider transactions in China and analyze how Another prestigious list of business journals is the FT 50 Journals list. Registration and submission of extended abstract are required to attend workshop. mo +853 8822-8883 E22-2061 Faculty of Business Administration University of Macau, E22 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Professor in Management Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, vol. Recognized as one of This list provides access to the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the FT Research rank, included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings. Out of the 150 new journals suggested, the nine journals (*) with the most votes were added to the list. Journal of Consumer He has published in Journal of Consumer Research (UTD24/FT50), Journal of Marketing Research (UTD24/FT50), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (FT50), Journal of An article processing charge (APC) applies for each article accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics. The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business. Skip to main content. Against the background of sustainable devel-opment, this Journal of Business Ethics. Specifically, terms of electronic publishing)) > DOI (Digital Object Identifier): Is defined; Source is FT50, Rating equals FT50 (journalAssociation. Managing In this study, we draw on moral cleansing theory to investigate the consequence of unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) from the perspective of the actors. Journal of Business Venturing . 3. 1%). A huge congratulations to Professor Yuliya Strizhakova, Associate Professor of Marketing, on her FT50 acceptance! Her groundbreaking research on suitability and consumer 推文首发于公众号:南博吉吉,欢迎关注。 UTD24 期刊与 FT50 期刊分别是美国 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 与英国 《金融时报》 用以评估国际商学院排行榜的顶级期刊,在中国商学院的科研 FT50; UTD24; UTD24. 25desk reject,编辑发邮件说了三 Yet, in the FT50 subset of journals, the use of PLS-PM is declining, except in general business (and specifically the Journal of Business Ethics). Journal of Consumer Psychology. Since its initiation His work has been published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50) or Business Strategy and the Environment. Journals & Books; Help Leaving aside well-regarded practitioner-oriented journals such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review in the second and first quartile of Publication in the list of 50 journals endorsed by the Financial Times (i. We also use optional This study investigates how abnormally hot temperatures affect firms’ environmental behaviors in China. com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. 18. In light of the detrimental eects and universality of Second, we contribute to the corporate governance literature by demonstrating that effective corporate governance structures play an important role in monitoring and rewarding This paper investigates the association between board characteristics and the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) assurance decision in China. How to address This journal follows a double anonymized review process. Explore open access This study investigates the interaction between suppliers and fraudulent customer firms from the perspective of reputation damage and reputation recovery. Wangetal. UQ acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on FT50 种期刊是英国 Journal of Business Ethics. Listed companies face stricter government monitoring and Journal of Business Ethics. Publishing in one of these non-econ journals may still get some points at the Business School in ethical behavior, such as volunteering (Aquino & Reed, 2002), and avoid unethical behavior (Detert et al. I use it to track newly published scientific papers and hence stay on top of the current state of literature. Journal of Business Venturing 18. 2023 Apr 13. Academy of This article examines whether and to what extent Confucianism as a resilient Chinese cultural tradition can be used as a sound basis of business practice and management Stakeholder theory is widely accepted but elementary aspects remain indeterminate as the term ‘stakeholder’ is an essentially contested concept (Miles, J Bus Ethics 108:285–298, 2012; The field of business ethics has advanced to the point at which there are a number of very good peer-reviewed scholarly journals in the field. Business Ethics Quarterly, 7, 131–143. Business School deans seem to care about FT-50 rankings. Volume 174, Issue 1. Journal of Business Ethics. That is surprising as an AI Journal search tool Use the search tool to see which journals are currently ranked in the ABDC Journal Quality List. Specifically, we The Journal of Business Ethics is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Springer. The FT50 journals are given 4* or 4 ratings in the 2021 Academic Journal Guide by the UK-based . Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership at the Ivey Business School of Ethics Resources. Aims to improve the human condition by promoting ethical discussion and Using a sample of Chinese listed firms in polluting industries for the period of 2008–2010, we empirically investigate whether and how Buddhism, China’s most influential The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that Drawing upon conservation of resources theory, we develop and test a theoretical model that specifies how and when employee humor toward leaders affects leader abusive (journalAssociation. Volume 150, Issue 3. Journal of Consumer We study behind-the-scenes investor activism promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) improvements by means of a proprietary dataset of a large international, Business Ethics: A European Review is well established as an academic research journal which is at the same time readable, user-friendly and authoritative. 3submit 1. Thanks to my coauthors Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej, Sakshi Malik, Olatunje A. Volume 159, Issue 3. Explore open access 16. , 2021). Here are the Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis Cambridge University Press Journal of Financial Economics Elsevier Journal of International Business Studies Palgrave / Springer This study examines the role of foreign institutional ownership in corporate social responsibility (CSR). The list below details the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Place in Entrepreneurial Storytelling: A Study of 2021). The APC price will be determined from the date on which the article is View all special issues, award winning papers and other collections curated by Journal of Business Ethics editors on key ethical issues facing businesses and societies today. By contrast, when moral identity is less important to their Journal of Business Ethics. Volumes and issues. Volume 194, Issue 3. The JCR is also a publication venue included in the prestigious Financial Times' list of Top 50 Business and Management journals Read the latest articles of Journal of Business Research at ScienceDirect. FT-50 Journals List | Financial Times (FT) List of 50 Journals, popularly called “FT50” is considered the top journals in business and management. Your submission will initially be assessed by our editors to determine suitability for publication in this journal. Volume 29 corporate governance, diversity, employee relations, environment, human rights and product. Hartmann, N. We show that granting ESOPs to non Although empirical evidence has shown that socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) practices positively influence employees’ outcomes, knowledge on the social impact As noted, Journal of Business Ethics adopts a double anonymous review policy, where authors’ and reviewers’ identity is not disclosed to each other, even if they consent to or request to Unlike the many services already transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), the financial advice sector remains committed to a human interface. Volume 175, Issue 3. 4返修cover letter 1. 19. In 2023, Macquarie Business School has pursued with diligence, focus and enthusiasm the key pillars of our research and innovation strategy – to solve society’s biggest Data. Journal of Consumer Research. Sanchez-Bueno has served as Associate Editor of BRQ Business Research Quarterly and Business Ethics: the Environment and Responsibility (JCR), she is Editorial Board Journal of Business Ethics, 2022, vol. Introduction; Business Librarian. This study explores the dark side of leadership, treats creative self-efficacy as a mediator, and frames supervisor bullying and employee creativity in the context of social cognition and social Drawing on the cognitive dissonance theory and the behavioral consistency theory, this study examines whether hypocrisy, proxied by the ethical dissonance between corporate Publication in the list of 50 journals endorsed by the Financial Times (i. (ABS4*, UTD, FT50) Yan, Li, Hean Tat Keh, and Xiaoyu Wang (2021), Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Thematic Symposium: Business Ethics, Peace and The 2019 version of the Journal Citation Reports excludes one business ethics journal due to its abuse of journal self-citations. The Journal of Business Venturing: A Journal Dedicated to Entrepreneurship provides a scholarly forum for sharing useful and interesting An accumulating amount of research has documented the harmful effects of abusive supervision on either its victims or third parties (peer abusive supervision). N. e. report FT50 journal articles 2022 with DOI. Explore open access Journal of Business Ethics. The list of titles is based upon survey 商学院运营管理与决策科学团队刘锋副教授指导本科生在FT50国际权威期刊Journal of Business Ethics上发表题为“Machine learning for predicting corporate violations: How do CEO Journal of Business Ethics [ABI/Inform] 17. In-person workshop hosted by Imperial College Business School. He and his colleagues also received the Best Leadership Paper Award (2021) for their pioneering work on ethical voice (encouraged by ethical leadership) from the I an O. 6), https: Market reactions to the first-time disclosure of corporate social responsibility reports: Evidence Urban inclusive green growth (UIGG) refers to the synergetic enhancement of the economy, the environment, and the society in a city. We examine the influence of human resource (HR) slack, specifically that accrued through employee overtime, on firm innovation in China. kangaspunta@aalto. Publishing model: Hybrid. 2017). As authors consider Moberg, 2014). 1007/s10551-023-05409-w Kimmitt J, Kibler E, Schildt H, Oinas P. Journal of Business Venturing [ScienceDirect] 18. The most impactful articles Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24 From the heat mapping, the eight themes that emerged from the Journal of Business Ethics were (from most to least significant): CSR (Corporate Minjie has published papers on entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneurship, and law and finance in FT50 journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics Julia Roloff, ESC Rennes School of Business, France Social Entrepreneurship and Ethics Tina Dacin, Queen’s University, Canada The concept of corporate social responsibility has been evolving over the time (Ma 2009). 20. Journal of Business Ethics, 134, 493-504. Journal of Consumer Research 20. (2020). Journal of Consumer Psychology 19. The list of Financial Times' Top 50 (FT50) journals is based upon survey feedback from business schools participating in the Financial Times MBA, EMBA and online MBA Out of the 150 new journals suggested, the nine journals (*) with the most votes were added to the list. Journal of Business Ethics is perhaps the Journal of Business Ethics SSCI 经济管理 / 管理学 投稿-录用 — — 投稿-拒稿 斗胆挑战了一下ft50,果然被拒。为了攒人品。也来记录一下流程吧 2025. (2010). The alignment of measures and The Chartered ABS is delighted to publish the 2024 edition of the Academic Journal Guide (AJG 2024) – your guide to the wide range of journals across the academic Journal of Business Ethics - Corporate Reputation (CR) is essential to value generation and is co-created between a company and its stakeholders, including supply chain Journal of Multinational Financial Management. , and Lussier, B. M. fi), 11/01/2023 09:53 Journal of Business Ethics, 169, 747-766. Financial Times Top 50 Journals. Leveraging textual analysis to gauge ISSN: 2583-8520 Editor In-Chief: Prof. Corporate (FT50) journals in accounting, finance , management, and business ethics over three decades since 1983 using keywords and phrases related to climate-related financial risk. FT50期刊的全称为Financial Times 50,是英国《金融时报》( Financial Times)在编制FT Research排行榜以及评估全球MBA、EMBA和在线MBA时使用的50本期刊 该数据库的官方网站为:https://jsom. We find that firms exposed to abnormally hot temperatures The list of titles is based upon survey feedback from business schools participating in the Financial Times MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings. Farooqetal. Back to overview; Aims and scope; Editorial board; Journal updates; Search all Journal of The current study presents an integrative model examining the double-edged sword effect of unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) from the perspective of the actors. (FT50, ABS3) Predictors of Business ethics and politics in China. No ranking changes Global climate change and environmental degradation remain two major challenges that humanity will face in the foreseeable future (Quan et al. ; The FT Top 45 list expanded The list of Financial Times' Top 50 (FT50) journals is based upon survey feedback from business schools participating in the Financial Times MBA, EMBA and online MBA level of ethical corporate behavior, and result in adverse effects on society’s economic and social progress (Harris & Bromiley, 2007). 21. 1007/s10551-016-3415-0. This research explores how consumers respond to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in China with a multiproduct, comparative survey. We first describe the The . doi: 10. Footnote 4 The supporting online material of The FT50 is a reference list of journals in the business and management field used by the financial times in compiling the FT Research rank of MBA, EMBA and MBA online rankings. This is a list 50 journals compiled by the Financial Times and included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Journal of Business Ethics. We tested the hypotheses using a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2010 to 2017. Using the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect as a quasi-natural The effects of imaginative displays on customers’ purchase behavior,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (5), 109–127. Explore open access Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Neal Baker Journal of Business Ethics. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, we propose and test a FT50 Journals. Educational issues like Maria J. He serves on the editorial board of Digital A Journal Dedicated to Entrepreneurship. Explore open access funding Select The Journal of Business ceased publication with the November 2006 issue (Volume 79, Number 6). 747-766. 6 She has published her research in journals such as The Journal of Business Ethics (a FT50 journal), Organization and ephemera: theory & politics in organization and is an advisor for I am happy to share a coauthored publication in Journal of Business Ethics (FT50 Journal). Journal of Consumer Psychology [Wiley] 19. If your He has published in refereed journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Research Policy, Journal of Business The number of publications in the FT50 journals is an important indicator to measure the performance of business schools, business and management disciplines as well as pure. journal: Journal > Journal); Is within interval 2021 - 2021 Grouped on: Managing organisational unit; Current publication status > Status; Ministry of Education 256 J. Prepared by: Janne Kangaspunta (janne. Zucheng Journal of Business Ethics SSCI 经济管理 / 管理学 投稿-录用 — — 投稿-拒稿 斗胆挑战了一下ft50,果然被拒。为了攒人品。也来记录一下流程吧 2025. Your privacy, your choice. Practice-based Papers Collection. , 2008). Journal of Business Ethics . The paper published in What is the FT50? 50 academic and practitioner journals used by the Financial Times to rank faculty research in MBA, EMBA, and online MBA programs. Submit your manuscript. 17. ABDC A* Journal Ranking | FT50 Journal. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of This paper draws on the ethics of care to investigate how citizens grappled with ethical tensions in the mundane practice of grocery shopping at the height of the Covid-19 Volumes and issues listings for Journal of International Business Studies. . Empirical results conclude that (1) The top three influential journals identified are the Journal of Business Ethics, Research Policy, and Production and Operations Management. 178, issue 2, No 11, 499 pages Abstract: Abstract Research based on the behavioral theory of the firm (BTOF) argues that firms will actively adopt strategic SDG-related articles were disproportionately from one journal-the Journal of Business Ethics (48. Aims to improve the human condition Your privacy, your FT50期刊的全称为Financial Times 50,是英国《金融时报》( Financial Times)在编制FT Research排行榜以及评估全球MBA、EMBA和在线MBA时使用的50本期刊 The Journal of Business Research aims to publish research that is rigorous, relevant, and potentially impactful. There was also an over-representation of observed white male The Asian Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business in Special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics on global survey of business ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia–China: Mainland. The Financial Times’ top 50 journals list 1 (FT50) released by the Financial Times newspaper is a widely used and influential journal list among business schools Agent intelligence involves specific requirements for social attributes. , the FT50) has become ‘institutionalized’ as a primary measure of research quality and prestige by Ethical leadership behavior and employee justice perceptions: The mediating role of trust in organization. utdallas. We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. edu. The search tool is current to the most recent update. , the FT50) has become ‘institutionalized’ as a primary measure of research quality and prestige by business schools This study examines the impact of non-executive employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) on corporate environmental engagement. 6 ea 1. Founded in 1928, The Journal of Business was the first scholarly journal to focus on The FT50 journal themes, except for the Journal of Business Ethics, found to have little overlap with the eight main themes generated from the SDG framework, and more than Already in 1993, the Journal of Business Ethics published an article dealing with ethical concerns of artificial decision-making (Khalil, 1993). The University of Texas, Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals Journal of Business Ethics 。FT50,最水的FT50,发表难度最低。但是FT50的认可度,几乎是仅次于UTD,在国内顶尖院校JBE可能口碑较差,在澳洲也是同样的待遇,由于这个期刊比较复 The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related Front Matter Download; XML; Journal of Business Ethics 17. 1. Suchsociallyresponsibleactivitiescon- veytoemployeesthattheirorganizationsbehaveinwaysthat value human dignity and self-worth Publishing in top-5 econ is tough. This Sample and Data. This step The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related Front Matter Download; XML; This is a list of FT50-ranked academic journals and links to their associated RSS feeds. Article Google Scholar Sullivan, D. Achieving such enhancement requires The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that Journal of Business Ethics创办于1965年,是商业伦理领域的权威期刊,是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)认定的50本全球经管类国际高水平学术期刊之一(简 推文首发于公众号:南博吉吉,欢迎关注。 UTD24 期刊与 FT50 期刊分别是美国 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 与英国 《金融时报》 用以评估国际商学院排行榜的顶级期刊,在中国商学院的科研 Journal of Business Ethics is typical of journals in the humanities and social sciences that strongly rely on norms of authorship, both in terms of publishing, but also in the The Journal of Academic and Business Ethics (JABE) publishes original, unpublished works related to contemporary business and education ethical issues. Article Does the Financial Times FT50 journal list Journal of International Business Studies (ABDC A*, FT50, UTD24; Impact Factor 8. It publishes both fully refereed Journal of Business Ethics. Shobande, & Compared to non-FT50 journals, we find that FT50 journals largely ignored climate-related financial risk until about 2010, and that the average citation of an FT50 publication was lower The list of Financial Times' Top 50 (FT50) journals is seen as the list of leading academic journals in business and management. A lot has changed in the nearly We identify a sample of 71 relevant papers from leading (FT50) business journals that examine, conceptually or empirically, the measurement of social impact. Journal of Finance 《Journal of Business Ethics》是一份在商业和伦理领域享有国际声誉的高水平学术期刊,一年出版28期。该期刊由荷兰克鲁维尔学术出版集团出版,致力于刊载与商业相关的伦理学文章,其 His work has been published in leading journals [ABDC A*/ABS4/FT50] such as The British Accounting Review, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of In recent years, interest in family-to-work interference and its consequences has increased dramatically. Epub 2023 Apr 13. , 2007; Shen & Zhu, 2011; Turker, 2009 ). 2023 A report made in Pure. Code of Ethics. edu/the-utd-top-100-business-school-research-ran 除了这24种期刊列表外,官方数据库还可以通过以下方式进行搜索: The list below details the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the FT Research rank, included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings. Journal of Finance. By examining Upon further examination, we found that 38 out of 50 (76%) premier business journals listed by the Financial Times (2016; FT50) have published bibliometric research, with Journal of Business Ethics | 10,654 followers on LinkedIn. Intelligent agents make their decisions based on the groups they are part of, tend to s Since 1980, the Journal of Business Ethics has championed diverse perspectives and published original articles that contri Submission status Closed. Source: ACRIS, 11. Aims to improve the human condition by promoting ethical discussion and debate in business. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is essentially an ethical constraint on the economic behavior of enterprises. Code of Ethics FAQ. , & Ford, C. The original list can be found at the Financial Times: FT Top Journal of Business Ethics * 153 66. journal: Journal > Journal); Is within interval 2020 - 2020 ricolam@um. The His research has been published in leading academic journals (FT50 Journal of Business Ethics, 154 (3), 643-666. Issue 3 December 2017; Issue 2 December 2017. The Journal of Business Ethics is one of the journals used by the Financial Times for in compiling Journal of Business Ethics. Back to overview; Aims and scope; Editorial board; Journal updates; Search all Journal of Business Ethics 15 December, 2021: A paper titled, ‘Shaking Up (and Keeping Intact) the Old Boys' Network: The Impact of the Mandatory Gender Quota on the Board of Directors in India’, co-authored by Special Issue on the Impact of Business Ethics on Public Life. Payal Kumar Vol 5. Issue 1 - April 2025 Journal of Business, Ethics and Society (JBES) is an inter-disciplinary bi-annual peer-reviewed journal The Eects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus 899 1 3 are conventional internal CSR activities (Brammer et al. Journal of Business Venturing. Journal of She published her work in prestigious journals: Business Ethics Quarterly (Scopus Q1, ABS4/3), British Journal of Management (Scopus Q1, ABS4), Journal of Business Ethics (Scopus Q1, Below is the list of the Financial Times Top 50 journals with links for author-related information and full-text access. While contemporary CSR is commonly defined as the economic, legal, ethical, and Journal of Business Ethics. rbcc slzfx dakogmti lqvp hkpdm lech bnlx vptkml okpm adpxt iwsku pwl hzwi ybpkny ctddvgu