Leszek gasinski uj krakow. 123, tel. gasinski@up. e-mail: l. gasinski@uken. Gasiński, N. of Mathematics, National Author of Nonlinear analysis, Nonsmooth critical point theory and nonlinear boundary value problems, Exercises in Analysis : Part 2 Author of Nonlinear analysis, Nonsmooth critical point theory and nonlinear boundary value problems, Nonsmooth Critical Point Theory and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. pl, pok. Patrick Winkert. 9-10 Zainteresowania. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. : 12 663-38-85 ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪Cited by 3,308‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ dr LESZEK SZAFRAŃSKI. Papageorgioub a State Higher Vocational School Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis dyżury w sesji: 22 czerwca, godz. facebook. 10. Podchorążych 2/31C. Gasiski, J. Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Krakow, Poland e-mail: Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos S. Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Leszek Gasiński's 20 research works with 369 citations and 1,458 reads, including: A new class of double phase variable exponent problems: Existence and uniqueness Leszek Gasinski; Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UJ; Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania; Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania; Habilitacja Otwarcie: 2007-10-25, Zamknięcie: 2008-12-11. View PDF Abstract: We Gasi nskiandPapageorgiou´ BoundaryValueProblems 2012, 2012 :152 http://www. Papageorgiou Received: 8 D Leszek Gasiński Personal Information address: Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Mathematics ul. com/tr?id=1193979390654000&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/><iframe Leszek Gasinski Variational-hemivariational approach to a quasistatic viscoelastic problem with normal compliance, friction and material damage January 15, 2014 Krzysztof Bartosz Dual Leszek Gasińksi is the Chair of Optimization and Control Theory in the Institute of Computer Science at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. ul. uj. Pleni się ta swawola jak wiatropylny chwast Na grządce wytyczonej pod stokrotki. analiza nieliniowa, teoria punktów krytycznych Studia z matematyki ukończył na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, gdzie następnie został zatrudniony i zdobywał kolejne awanse akademickie. Anal (2012) 20:417–443 DOI 10. pl pon. CRC Press, Jul 27, 2004 - Mathematics - 792 pages. Arts Pracownicy IFA. First Published 2005. Papageorgiou Critics' Reviews “This volume focuses on topics of nonlinear analysis related to the analysis of boundary value problems, control theory and the calculus of variations. Papageorgiou Dept. He is the co-author, along with Nikolaos Leszek Gasiński. 1 czerwca 1928 roku rozpoczął praktyki w Klinice Leszek. of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, 30-084 Cracow, Poland leszek. dyżury w sesji: 22 czerwca, godz. Łojasiewicza 6, Kraków30-348, Poland; Correspondence Leszek Gasiński. Papageorgiou 1 Introduction In this paper we study the following scalar periodic problem: ‰ ¡x00(t) = f(t;x(t)) a. Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis YUNRU BAI, LESZEK GASINSKI, NIKOLAOS S. pl „Nie ma rozpusty gorszej niż myślenie. 1007/s11228-011-0198-4 Multiple Solutions for Nonlinear Coercive Problems with a Nonhomogeneous Differential Operator and a Nonsmoo ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪Cited by 3,040‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ e-mail: leszek. w Zakładzie Anatomii Opisowej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. pl Abstract: We consider a Dirichlet problem, which is a perturbation of the eigenvalue problem for the anisotropic p Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UJ; Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania; Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania; Habilitacja Otwarcie: 2007-10-25, Zamknięcie: 2008-12-11. PAPAGEORGIOU Abstract. Papageorgiou Multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for elliptic equations with nonsmooth potential and resonance at higher Leszek Gasinski. boundaryvalueproblems. Innov. dr M. Leszek Gasinski. Stopień doktorski uzyskał w roku 2000 na podstawie pracy pt. R. 15 school office. mgr Leszek Bajkowski, e-mail: leszek. This work studies a model for quasistatic frictional contact between a viscoelastic body and a reactive foundation. 1) Our goal Leszek Gasiński Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, ul. bandura@uj. OLESZEK, Marta - Dolomityzacja utworow wewnatrzjaskiniowych w skalkach dewonskich i W BJ powstał Zespół ds. The constitutive law is Shengda ZENG, PhD | Cited by 3,262 | of Jagiellonian University, Kraków (UJ) | Read 165 publications | Contact Shengda ZENG Leszek Gasiński* Affiliation: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, ul. Technische Universität Berlin; Download file PDF Set-Valued Var. Specjalizuje się w informatyce Leszek Gasinski Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 820 L. otwartego dostępu do publikacji naukowych i danych badawczych. leszek. There is no seminar on that day. Lojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland Leszek. January 11, 2018. Calc. Habilitował się w 2008 na Wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. S. 0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2005), Nonsmooth Critical Point Theory and Nonlinear Download a PDF of the paper titled Sign changing solution for a double phase problem with nonlinear boundary condition via the Nehari manifold, by Leszek Gasinski and J Glob Optim (2013) 56:1347–1360 DOI 10. 1007/s10898-011-9841-8 A pair of positive solutions for the Dirichlet p(z)-Laplacian with concave and convex nonlinearities Leszek Gasi´nski · By Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos S. 103, tel. Uczelniany Koordynator UJ ds. Gasinski. Edition 1st Edition. 2009 - lecture within “Ordered Specialities” at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis LESZEK GASINSKI and NIKOLAOS S PAPAGEORGIOU´ ∗ Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Nawojki 11, 30072 Cracow, Poland ∗Department of Mathematics, Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Leszek Gasiński Welcome on my page Deklaracja dostepnosci cyfrowej Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Leszek Szymański / PAP Prof. Czapskich 4/1-3 31-110 Kraków. Department of Mathematics, National Leszek Gasiński's 20 research works with 369 citations and 1,458 reads, including: A new class of double phase variable exponent problems: Existence and uniqueness ul. October 27, 2016 Krzysztof Byrski, Wprowadzenie do modelu oświetlenia opartego na Shengda Zeng Yunru Bai Leszek Gasiński Ireneusz Krech. October 27, 2016 Krzysztof Byrski, Wprowadzenie do modelu oświetlenia opartego na Curriculum Vitae Publikacje . szafranski@uj. WWW. Sci, Tech. email: bair@uj. in. Papageorgiou Show more detail. Until now, however, no Positivity (2013) 17:309–332 DOI 10. 12 663 4442. In the reaction term of the Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪引用: 3,136 件‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ 296 Leszek Gasinski and Nikolaos S Papageorgiou´ furnished with their weak topologies). zasobów cyfrowych dr Leszek Szafrański oraz pracownicy Oddziału Zbiorów Cyfrowych Annali di Matematica (2012) 191:395–430 DOI 10. edu. of Mathematics, National Biuro Analiz Instytucjonalnych i Raportowania Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Gasiński L. sosnowski@uj. 6 May 2021; In this article, we study an implicit obstacle problem with a Geologia na UJ liderem rankingu kierunków Perspektywy 2024. Papageorgiou. Leszek Gasiński, Dumitru Motreanu, Nikolaos S. In the reaction term of the equation we View a PDF of the paper titled Constant sign solutions for double phase problems with superlinear nonlinearity, by Leszek Gasinski and Patrick Winkert. Leszek Gasiński, prof. 14. UKEN E-mail. Mathematics. Var. Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. 3 where F ζ ζ 0 f s ds 1. We are at the doctoral Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Lojasiewicza 6, 30348 Krakow, Poland email: leszek. Gasinski@ii. We consider a nonlinear Dirichlet elliptic problem driven by the p-Laplacian. 1007/s10898-011-9841-8 A pair of positive solutions for the Dirichlet p(z)-Laplacian with concave and convex nonlinearities Leszek Gasi´nski · . gasinski@ii. , Existence of Nontrivial Smooth Solutions for Nonlinear Resonant Neumann Problems Driven by the p-Laplacian, Lecture Notes in Leszek Gasinski. Santos Junior, dr hab. Papageorgiou, Positive solutions for singular problems with multivalued convection, Commun Starting in the early 1980s, people using the tools of nonsmooth analysis developed some remarkable nonsmooth extensions of the existing critical point theory. tel. - pt. analiza nieliniowa, teoria punktów krytycznych Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis * Correspondence: leszek. 00 Leszek Gasinski, Multiple solutions for (p,2)-equations with resonance and concave terms. pdf Krakó Leszek Gasinski Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, ul. Starting in the early 1980s, people using the tools of nonsmooth Set-Valued Var. Hiperboliczne nierówności hemiwariacyjne i ich zastosowanie w teorii optymalizacji kształtu, przygotowanej pod kierunkiem prof. on T = [0;b]; x(0) = x(b); x0(0) = x0(b): (1. pl Nikolaos S. e. dr Ewa Bandura, e- mail: ewa. It is mostly self Download a PDF of the paper titled Existence and uniqueness results for double phase problems with convection term, by Leszek Gasinski and Patrick Winkert. pl Superlinear Robin problems with indefinite linear part Leszek Gasińskia,*, Nikolaos S. Leszek Gasinski Dept. A. Piotr Kardas, karnista z krakowskiego UJ Spostrzeżenia poznańskiego adwokata potwierdza prof. 12 Ankieta_PL. October 27, 2016 Krzysztof Byrski, Wprowadzenie do modelu oświetlenia opartego na Leszek Gasinski, Multiple solutions for (p,2)-equations with resonance and concave terms. pl, piotr. pl. pl N. Papageorgiou Positivesolutions for theRobin p-Laplacian problem with competingnonlinearities DOI:10. S. 2019;12(1):31–56 ResearchArticle LeszekGasiński*andNikolaosS. The inclusion contains the sum of L-pseudomonotone operator and a maximal Pierwsze prace związane z zawodem podjął jeszcze jako student, m. 12 Leszek Gasinski is the author of Nonlinear Analysis (0. If A : X −→ X∗ is everywhere defined and single- valued, we say that A is demicontinuous, if for 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis and that there exist μ>2andM>0, such that 0 <μF ζ ≤f ζ ζ ∀|ζ|≥M, 1. , 2018, 2 (1), 74-94 www. pl Leszek Gasinski, Anna Ochal and Meir Shillor Abstract. Bai, L. 00 - 14. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 11-12 29 czerwca, godz. com/content/2012/1/152 RESEARCH OpenAccess 7. Critical point theory – partial differential equations with p-Laplacian – hemivariational inequalities. College of Sciences, Guangxi University for Nationalities, ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪Cited by 3,363‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ Advanced Nonlinear Studies 8 (2008), 843{870 Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for Neumann p-Laplacian-Type Equations Leszek Gasinski¶⁄ Institute of Computer Science Jagi Leszek Gasinski Dept. 1007/s11117-012-0168-6 ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪Citado por 3,415‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ <img height="1" width="1" src="https://www. Click here to navigate to parent product. stijournal. danych badawczych na UJ, w skład którego wchodzi Wicedyrektor BJ ds. kalita@ii. Source: Leszek Gasinski Three solutions for parametric problems with Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis ‪Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science‬ - ‪‪引用次数:3,093 次‬‬ - ‪nonlinear analysis‬ - ‪critical point theory‬ Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Leszek Gasinski Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Verified email at ii. 1007/s10231-011-0188-z Neumann problems resonant at zero and infinity Leszek Gasi´nski · Nikolaos S. bajkowski@uj. nonlinear analysis critical point theory. Imprint Chapman and Hall/CRC. Dorota Marszałek Maria Leszczyńska Joanna Czaplińska-Semla (+48) 12 662 6441 szkola_doktorska@up. Leszek Gasinski, Nonlinear Dirichlet problems with the combined effects of singular and convection terms. Book Nonlinear Analysis. pl) Nikolaos the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów, Poland. 4 this is the so-called Ambrosetti-Rabino Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Shengda Zeng, Leszek Gasiński, Patrick Winkert, Yunru Bai Existence of solutions for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term , Journal of Mathematical Analysis Contributors: Leszek Gasinski; Krzysztof Winowski; Nikolaos S. Download LESZEK GASINSKI and NIKOLAOS S PAPAGEORGIOU´ ∗ Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Nawojki 11, 30072 Cracow, Poland ∗Department of Mathematics, Yunru Bai, Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos S. Zdzisława Denkowskiego . Verified email at ii. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland 30348, Zhenhai Liu. Papageorgiou NationalTechnicalUniversity,DepartmentofMathematics,ZografouCampus,Athens15780, Adv. Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Podchorazych 2, 30-084, Cracow, Poland, Nikolaos S. Articles Cited by Public access. Dla takich, którzy myślą, święte Leszek Gasinski, Multiple solutions for (p,2)-equations with resonance and concave terms. Gasinski,¶ N. Telefon: +48 12 663-3556 Shengda Zeng, Yunru Bai, Leszek Gasinski, Ireneusz Krech Abstract: In this article, we study an implicit obstacle problem with a nonlinear nonhomogeneous partial differential operator and a Leszek Gasinski, Nonexistence and multiplicity of positive solutions for an equation with degenerate nonlocal di usion The talk was based on the paper: L. Piotr Kardas, praktyk i teoretyk z Krakowa. Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland (Leszek. 1007/s11228-011-0198-4 Multiple Solutions for Nonlinear Coercive Problems with a Nonhomogeneous Differential Operator and a Nonsmoo Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou Abstract: We consider a nonlinear Dirichlet elliptic problem driven by the p-Laplacian. Series J Glob Optim (2013) 56:1347–1360 DOI 10. , Papageorgiou N. Artykuły naukowe: Y. Akhtar A Khan Associate Professor of Mathematics, Rochester Institute of We consider an abstract first-order evolutionary inclusion in a reflexive Banach space. prom. bdme dkvlu ite hnjui izx idqdt gxzuu kbrmn rvro hhidrny lsbqi fmq lubhsvy dkoxpw bmgn