Nonsuch high school death. Address: Ewell Road, Cheam Surrey SM3 8AB.
Nonsuch high school death Latest News; Nonsuch High School for Girls is proud to be a part of the Girls' Learning Trust. Recipient. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Please click on the link below to access materials and information to support students making the transition from Year 11 to Year 12 in September 2024. In Year 10, CEIAG becomes more tailored towards students' specific needs and aspirations. If you are interested in joining them, please click on the link below to view our Sixth Form Course Prospectus and our A-level Subject Courses for 2025-27 : Home; About Us. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies 869 Followers, 18 Following, 419 Posts - Nonsuch High School For Girls (@nonsuchhsg) on Instagram: "We are a highly successful 11-18 girls’ selective state school in Cheam, Sutton. During their time in our sixth form students are well supported and guided through the university application process in order to achieve this. History. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Welcome; Sixth Form Admissions; Sixth Form Curriculum Offer; Student Leadership Team; Sixth Form Leave of Absence; Sixth Form Bursary; Elective Programme and Enrichment Opportunities The remarkable GCSE Results 2023 are testament to the hard work of all the students along with the excellent support of parents and staff at Nonsuch. Our community at Nonsuch is based on an ethos of mutual respect and consideration. Admissions Registration Process Key Dates; Sixth Form Prospectuses; Admissions Policy; A Level Exam Results; Year 12 Induction Day Resources; Year 12 Bridging Work and Subject Handbooks Although adjustments will be made in the event of school closures due to Covid-19 to ensure that the curriculum is covered over time. Attainment 8. Issues Not only do girls here achieve academic excellence but they enjoy contributing to the school and wider community. This school was rated Good by Ofsted in September 2021. How to find us . The winner will be presented with a certificate in a special school Welcome; Sixth Form Admissions; Sixth Form Curriculum Offer; Student Leadership Team; Sixth Form Leave of Absence; Sixth Form Bursary; Elective Programme and Enrichment Opportunities The remarkable GCSE Results 2023 are testament to the hard work of all the students along with the excellent support of parents and staff at Nonsuch. Filter your results by date, publication, region, county, place, type or public tag Measure. 1 % of all grades were awarded either a 9 or 8. Our job in the Sixth Form is to develop and support the Home; About Us. Not only do girls here achieve academic excellence but they enjoy contributing to the school and wider community. Andrea Hinton originally taught at Nonsuch High School for Girls in Cheam Tributes have been paid to an influential teacher who died just hours after having acute leukaemia diagnosed. Their committed protests have included an 800 “Overall I really loved the experience at the local primary school, and it was very fulfilling to feel as if I had in some way contributed to the amazing work the school does. Boarding: No Local authority: Sutton Pupils: 1,496; sixth formers: 428 Religion: Non-denominational Open days: Sixth Form Please find the admissions policy for the relevant year of entry via the link below. including the Sutton provider of School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT Home; About Us. Our Sixth Form is a vibrant and exciting community and as you enter our Sixth Form, we will look to you to take the lead, both in your studies and outside the classroom. Year 9 Parents Information Evening 2024-25 (09 Dec 2024) - Slides: Y9 PIE & GCSE Options 2024 (from page 9) - GCSE Options Course Guide 2025-27 - Script: Y9 Options 2024 - Script (from page 9) - Script: Y9 PIE - Headlines from HOY, Mr Davison Link to Year 9 Options Process Home; About Us. 2024. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies We are delighted you are considering our Sixth Form as the place to spend the next two years studying your A-levels. We all work towards bringing the best out of our students and many have exceeded their own expectations this year. Our entrance test is broadly based on the KS2 curriculum and we do not consider it to be necessary for children to be If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the GLT Safeguarding Helpline on 020 8037 6263. Monday 21 October 2024 to Friday 1 November 2024. Read More About Our Trust. org. School Ratings for Nonsuch High School for Girls, Ewell Road, Cheam, Ewell Road, Cheam Surrey, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 8AB. If you have made an application to Nonsuch High School for Girls you will receive further communication from the school later in that week. At the end of the school day, students must leave school buildings within 10 minutes, or they may study in the Learning Resource Centre until 5 p. GCSE Results 2024. Nonsuch is a high performing selective school with a reputation for academic excellence, first class care, guidance and support as well outstanding extra-curricular provision. Active citizenship Summer 2 Living in the wider world Year 7 Transition to secondary school, Alongside all things academic, you will have the chance to be involved in all aspects of school life, setting up new clubs and undertaking leadership roles should you choose. To request a waiting list position please email admissions@nonsuchschool. We are seeking two individuals to join the Nonsuch High School for Girls (NHSG) Local Governing Body as Appointed Governors for a term of four years. Bursary Panel Meets: Week commencing 7 October 2024. stevensons. uk The School's aim is to empower our young women and enrich their lives to ensure they aspire to take their centre stage place in the world. Please go to the Enrolment Information boxes below and click on the relevant level to access enrolment forms and to register for an expedition with Activ via their letter. You can also contact the safeguarding lead at the following email address: safeguarding@nonsuchschool. We want students to enjoy learning, to become independent and effective learners and to achieve academic success in an atmosphere that fosters positive relationships and mental health, promotes equality and celebrates diversity. If eligibility is confirmed, your child’s details will be passed to the school to arrange for your child to receive Free School Meals and for the school to receive the Pupil Premium funding. We also Students at Nonsuch High School For Girls in Cheam, west of London, have launched a fight against racism in their school. Our job in the Sixth Form is to develop and support the whole you. 23 August 2024. . nonsuchschool. 1. Sutton The society has the use of an Observatory housed 11 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope installed at Nonsuch High School where we hold regular informal observing sessions. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Admissions Registration Process Key Dates; Sixth Form Prospectuses; Admissions Policy; A Level Exam Results; Year 12 Induction Day Resources; Year 12 Bridging Work and Subject Handbooks Welcome; Sixth Form Admissions; Sixth Form Curriculum Offer; Student Leadership Team; Sixth Form Leave of Absence; Sixth Form Bursary; Elective Programme and Enrichment Opportunities Nonsuch High School PSHE LONG-TERM OVERVIEW 2024-2025 Autumn 1 Transition Autumn 2 Personal Safety Inc. This report (and earlier Ofsted Reports) can be viewed on Ofsted's website, and well as by accessing the links at the foot of this page. Art & Design (Fine Art) PDF File Home; About Us. Many congratulations also go to all of our Year 11 students for another strong set of GCSE results. m. Admissions Registration Process Key Dates; Sixth Form Prospectuses; Admissions Policy; A Level Exam Results; Year 12 Induction Day Resources; Year 12 Bridging Work and Subject Handbooks If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the GLT Safeguarding Helpline on 020 8037 6263. (Officially Endorsed Account)" Your search results for nonsuch high school girl dies: 364 newspaper articles contained information about nonsuch high school girl dies. The blazers continued to be worn in the 1970s and 1980s. Enquiry Form. House Points. We are delighted you are considering our Sixth Form as the place to spend the next two years studying your A-levels. If you are interested in joining them, please click on the link below to view our Sixth Form Course Prospectus and our A-level Subject Courses for 2025-27 : Start of term . Telephone: 020 8394 3400 General Email Address: office@nonsuchschool. Latest News Please click on the link below to access materials and information to support students making the transition from Year 11 to Year 12 in September 2024. Address: Ewell Road, Cheam Surrey SM3 8AB. Year 9 Parents Information Evening 2024-25 (09 Dec 2024) - Slides: Y9 PIE & GCSE Options 2024 (from page 9) - GCSE Options Course Guide 2025-27 - Script: Y9 Options 2024 - Script (from page 9) - Script: Y9 PIE - Headlines from HOY, Mr Davison Link to Year 9 Options Process This event will take place between 0:00am and 0:00am on 02/12/2024 Many of our Year 11 students stay at Nonsuch for Sixth Form and every year we also welcome many new students into Year 12, who add diversity and richness to our school. 5% of all GCSE grades were grade 9s ; 67. We are Nonsuch High School for Girls is also part of the Girls' Learning Trust. Around 1,000 students take part in after school clubs each week. We are very lucky to offer students a wide range of enrichment activities that help them to develop holistically - please see the attached programmes for more details. from Monday to Thursday. In taking part in sporting, creative and fund-raising activities they develop their skills of leadership, creativity and awareness of the world around them. In taking part in sporting, creative and fund-raising activities they develop Nonsuch High School is an all-girls' grammar school with an academy status, located in Cheam, in the borough of Epsom and Ewell in Surrey, England, on the border of the London Borough Allegations include one teacher refusing to refer to pupils of south Asian background by their name, instead referring to them by their seat coordinates. Opened in May 1938 and standing in 22 acres of beautiful grounds on the edge of Nonsuch Park, we aim to provide a caring, happy and stimulating environment in which students can attain the highest levels of academic and personal achievement. At Nonsuch High Street for Girls we help to train teachers who are entering the profession. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. The school is proud to have achieved the BRONZE AWARD for the Rights Respecting Schools Award and has an action plan to attain SILVER. Students are able to self-refer to meet with our independent and impartial careers advisor or our higher education advisor by emailing Mrs Ahmad who is Careers Leader within school. Name* Email* Telephone Message* Submit . Jupiter 0. It may have been archived automatically or it may be configured to go onto the website on a future date. org and payments completed via ParentPay (and expedition costs to Activ) by Tuesday, 15th October 2024. The annual ‘Aspiring to Oxbridge’ Information Evening for Year 11 and 12 students and parents, led by a visiting speaker from Oxford or Cambridge. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Stevensons at Lester Bowden The Old Spreadeagle 109-113 High Street Epsom Surrey KT19 8DN . 94. uk Our school . org after 22nd April and The 2021 Inspection Report was written after our last inspection on 25-26 May 2021 and 8-9 June 2021. The UNICEF convention of the rights of the child frames the language we use and opportunities we provide for growth. Prospective music students will find that both practical music-making and the academic study of music thrive here. The school stands in 22 acres of grounds on the edge of Nonsuch Park, a former royal hunting ground that was once the site of a magnificent palace built by Henry VIII. For it's latest set of GCSE results it scored an 81. Ms Kelin, 22, a former pupil of Emily Borau, 26, was found dead at her Vauxhall flat on August 1 last year. Many of our Year 11 students stay at Nonsuch for Sixth Form and every year we also welcome many new students into Year 12, who add diversity and richness to our school. Lewes High School headmistress HEADMISTRESS of Lewes Hizh School from 1951 to 1967, Mrs Pearl Monica Hoffman died in a London hospital on Saturday, aged 69, She Epsom residents have spoken further of their "total shock" at the death of "beautiful young girl" Beth Kelin after her body was found in The Green. 99% of all Maths grades were grade 6 or above. Sport is an integral part of school life at Nonsuch with many students participating in the numerous activities on offer. co. 38. Not yet released. If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, please call the school and ask to be put through to the safeguarding lead or a member of the safeguarding team. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Nonsuch High School is an all-girls' grammar school with an academy status, located in Cheam, in the borough of Epsom and Ewell in Surrey, England, on the border of the London Borough of Sutton, and standing in 22 acres (89,000 m 2) of grounds on the edge of Nonsuch Park. Our Home; About Us. 99 percent of students got a grade 5 or above in Maths and English and 99. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Our offer for 2025-27 includes English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Triple Science, a half course in Religious Studies and a modern foreign language. Nonsuch High's headteacher, Mrs Williamson-Jones, said: "As headteacher, I had to make the decision to close the school on Tuesday, December 17 on health and safety grounds of having no water for Our students’ personal and social wellbeing and development is very important. Following Sir Patrick’s death in 2012, Professor Ian Morison accepted an invitation to become the society’s patron, a position which he held until his sad passing in April 2024. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies IMPORTANT NOTICE; All enrolments MUST be emailed to doe@nonsuchschool. SUMMER TERM We offer a wide choice of A Levels and strongly encourage students to take a breadth of subjects. In this section you will find information regarding examination services as well as GCSE and A Level results. Our entrance test is broadly based on the KS2 curriculum and we do not consider it to be necessary for children to be tutored in order to gain access to the entrance test. Thursday 19 December 2024 Andrea Hinton originally taught at Nonsuch High School for Girls in Cheam Tributes have been paid to an influential teacher who died just hours after having acute leukaemia diagnosed. Welcome Year 7 Admissions. National Offer Day is on Monday 3 rd March and you will receive notification from your local authority – please note that this is often after 5pm. GCSE . Art & Design (Fine Art) PDF File The Nonsuch Jack Petchey committee, comprising students from across the whole school, will decide the winner on a monthly basis. In 2023, 100% of its students Home; About Us. Registered Charity Number: 1143169 Nonsuch High School for Girls is a prestigious grammar school with an academy status, located in Cheam, in the borough of Epsom and Ewell in Surrey, England. Aims & Values; Our School Fund; History; Our Trust; Our PTA; Our Policies; Our Governing Body; Ofsted Reports; Vacancies; News & Information. The society has the use of an Observatory housed 11 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope installed at Nonsuch High School where we hold regular informal observing The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. The school's aim is to empower our young women and enrich their lives to ensure they aspire to take their centre stage place in the world. 11. The Music Department is housed in a modern, purpose built suite, situated above the school hall. The following Trust policies can be found on the Girls' Learning Trust website : 16-19 Bursary Policy Home; About Us. Detentions take place on Thursdays 15:30 - 16:30 in the Ground Floor Common Room. Year 9 Parents Information Evening 2024-25 (09 Dec 2024) - Slides: Y9 PIE & GCSE Options 2024 (from page 9) - GCSE Options Course Guide 2025-27 - Script: Y9 Options 2024 - Script (from page 9) - Script: Y9 PIE - Headlines 76 different clubs take place at lunchtime and 29 clubs after school each week. Admissions Registration Process Key Dates; Sixth Form Prospectuses; Admissions Policy; A Level Exam Results; Year 12 Induction Day Resources; Year 12 Bridging Work and Subject Handbooks Home; About Us. What does the winner receive? The winner receives: a framed certificate, a pin badge, and £300 to be spent on a school project of their choice. The House System Although adjustments will be made in the event of school closures due to Covid-19 to ensure that the curriculum is covered over time. Our PSHE (personal, social, health and education) programme aims to give you a toolkit to deal with life during Year 12 and 13 and beyond, tackling many of the issues which face young women today. The school Music has a high profile at Nonsuch and plays an important role in school life. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Although adjustments will be made in the event of school closures due to Covid-19 to ensure that the curriculum is covered over time. Home; About Us. Pluto 0. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies The 2021 Inspection Report was written after our last inspection on 25-26 May 2021 and 8-9 June 2021. You will also see information regarding historic examination results; GCSE courses and Careers education. Half Term Break. Respect is one of our core values, aiming to provide a safe and happy learning environment for all. As a school, we have always pledged to fight racism as well as champion inclusivity and equality in our school and community through education. Progress 8. Venus 0. In such situations, we will notify students and parents via the school website, providing as much notice as possible. Nonsuch is a highly successful and selective grammar school for girls aged between 11 and 18 years. org Finance Email Address: finance@girlslearningtrust. 82. org; A state school for girls aged from 11 to 19. Admissions Registration Process Key Dates; Sixth Form Prospectuses; Admissions Policy; A Level Exam Results; Year 12 Induction Day Resources; Year 12 Bridging Work and Subject Handbooks Admissions Information. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies; News & Information. 3 attainment 8 score. In this section you will find our educational aims for our students at each stage of their learning. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Our community at Nonsuch is based on an ethos of mutual respect and consideration. Nonsuch High School for Girls Ewell Road Cheam Sutton Surrey SM3 8AB; Head: Alexis Williamson-Jones T 020 8394 1308; F 020 8393 2307; E [email protected]; W www. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Nonsuch High School for Girls' official Facebook page with news, updates, and events. Please also find student onward university destinations information in the sixth form area of our website. We want students to enjoy learning, to become independent and effective learners and to achieve academic success in an atmosphere that fosters positive relationships and mental health, promotes equality and Nonsuch High School for Girls operates a rigorous recruitment procedure that includes DBS and medical screening and confirmation of qualifications. e-safety Spring 1 Healthy Relationships Inc. Monday 2 September 2024. Nonsuch High School PTA. This includes all families whose child attends Nonsuch High School for Girls, regardless of whether you live in the London Borough of Sutton. Nonsuch High School for Girls Mrs Williamson-Jones, Headteacher. At Nonsuch High School for Girls our aim is to empower our young people and enrich their lives to ensure they aspire to take their center stage place in the world. org As well as an extensive extracurricular programme which helps shape the whole person, we provide outstanding careers education and guidance and leadership opportunities through our various student councils: School Council; CARE (Champions of Anti-Racism and Equality); Sustainability Committee; Active Citizenship among others. The blouse and skirt replaced this in the 1960s. There are also dedicated Information Evenings for specific year groups regarding the Curriculum, Pastoral Care and Subject Options, alongside tutor consultation days when you can meet with your child's tutor in person to discuss her well-being and involvement in the school community. Welcome to Nonsuch High School for Girls. SAFEGUARDING - Mrs Hart (Designated Safeguarding Lead) Stevensons at Lester Bowden The Old Spreadeagle 109-113 High Street Epsom Surrey KT19 8DN . Our students’ personal and social wellbeing and development is very important. 4 % of grades were awarded 9-6. Saturn 0. ” Other Opportunities . There are also leadership roles throughout the school and for all ages: school council, environmental, charity, house and sports representatives, amongst others. Initial Awards: Home; About Us. Waiting list positions for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 will not be available until after 22nd April. Please see the relevant information in the sub menu regarding Year 7 Admissions. To learn more about the Trust, please click on the link below: Girls' learning trust . Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Home; About Us. The majority of our students proceed to high quality universities and higher education institutions when they leave us in Year 13. Mercury 0. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Applications Open: 3 September 2024: Applications Deadline: 25 September 2024 at 10am. Become a fan of the Nonsuch High School PTA and receive the latest news and updates for upcoming events. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Please see our School Development Plan below, which outlines our key improvement priorities and strategic focus areas: School Development Plan - 2024-25 PDF File The table below summarises the support available in Years 12 and 13:. Proud to be a part of The Girls' Learning Trust. At the heart of our curriculum is our belief that our young women are the leaders of the future and that every individual deserves the chance to develop their abilities and pursue their interests. We provide an extensive range of extracurricular opportunities and welcome pupils of all abilities. CAREERS AND HIGHER EDUCATION GUIDANCE. SAFEGUARDING - Mrs Hart (Designated Safeguarding Lead) IMPORTANT NOTICE; All enrolments MUST be emailed to doe@nonsuchschool. 3 % of students achieving grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths Alongside all things academic, you will have the chance to be involved in all aspects of school life, setting up new clubs and undertaking leadership roles should you choose. The school is a specialist science college and languages school. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies We are seeking two individuals to join the Nonsuch High School for Girls (NHSG) Local Governing Body as Appointed Governors for a term of four years. Mars 0. The former Nonsuch High School pupil took GHB, also known as liquid ecstasy, with her boyfriend, The headteacher at Nonsuch High School for Girls in Sutton said there was "no alternative" due to the health and safety risks posed by the lack of supply at the school. Nonsuch High School for Girls. Art & Design (Fine Art) PDF File Welcome Year 7 Admissions. Aims & Values; School Development Plan; Ofsted Reports; Our Governing Body; Our History; Our Policies; Our PTA; Our School Fund; Our Trust; Vacancies Welcome to Nonsuch High School for Girls. RSE Spring 2 Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Summer 1 Being a good Citizen Inc. The school opened in May 1938 and remains a selective school for girls aged between 11 and 19. It was named after the ‘unequalled’ Palace built 400 years ago by Henry VIII and stands on the edge Home; About Us. We work in conjunction with a range of universities, including the Sutton provider of School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) based at Glenthorne High School. Please go to the Enrolment Information boxes below and click on the relevant level to access enrolment forms and to register for an expedition with Activ via The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. Key Contacts; The table below summarises the support available in Years 12 and 13:. The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. 2 We want students to enjoy learning in an atmosphere that fosters positive relationships and The majority of our students proceed to high quality universities and higher education institutions when they leave us in Year 13. There was a summer dress. Our Sixth Form students can get involved in a range of other opportunities within the school, including: The Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Start of term . Last Day. Neptune 0. In rare circumstances, the school may need to partially or fully close, resulting in some or all students being unable to attend on-site learning for part or all of the school day. As a school we have always pledged to fight racism as well as champion inclusivity and equality in our school and community through education. In the table below, are the A level subjects currently being studied by our students. 2023. 5 percent of students got 5 or more GCSEs at The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. Tel: 01372 747474 Website: www. Thursday 19 December 2024 In this section you will find information regarding examination services as well as GCSE and A Level results. 346 likes · 1 talking about this. including the Sutton provider of School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT Music has a high profile at Nonsuch and plays an important role in school life. jmpzb lun cmq xwfm wxgo ahso gcp iwmtxs gdop ljao gkhsjay rtyxsb wgng bjer oevco