Pima county map. 5 and ozone concentrations.

Pima county map Zip Codes - Polygons. You can also filter your search for activities such as mountain biking or having a picnic or where to camp. Pima Association of Governments 1 E. Basemap for street names and reference boundary names. See "Pictometry Project Area - 2024" on the PimaMaps - Survey Map. There are 9 ZIP Codes in Pima County that extend into adjacent counties (Cochise County, Maricopa County, Pinal County, and Santa Cruz County). com - Rex Scott: Public service, campaigns, and elections (subscription required) (11 (Map) Voter Registration, document Research & Recording Pima County Recorder P. PIMA A map will open with a panel on the left side of the screen, scroll down the panel to Development, and click plus toggle button to expand Construction Plans-Pima County DOT to view the "Map Layers" Double-click on the white title bar above the map to open the toolbar, or click on the Wrench icon in the upper right corner of the map. Read About this Collection for information about Sanborn keys, colors, legends and more about reading and understanding the maps. Photo ID GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Feb 24, 2021 · Zoning - Pima County. Some links and references to MapGuide remain. Tucson, AZ 85701 Agency Contacts; 162nd Fighter Wing Fire Department: Phone: 520-295-6161; 162nd Fighter Wing Fire Department Facebook Page; 162nd Fighter Wing Fire Department Twitter Feed Feb 8, 2025 · To find the county for a ZIP, type the Pima County, Arizona ZIP Code in the Search places box above this Pima County, Arizona ZIP Code County Finder map tool, then check the 'Also show county lines' box in the lower left corner of the map. The management portion of the riparian protection program includes land acquisition, water management, land stewardship, habitat restoration, and monitoring the health of Pima County's riparian ecosystems. Pima County Geographic Information Systems General Land Office Survey Maps Overview. This layer is turned on by default although you need to zoom in to see it. Featured Maps. Monitoring & Maintenance. GIS Pima Maps - Survey (additional layers) GIS Featured Maps. Riparian Habitat SDCP map - An interactive map that allows individuals to locate and identify Regulated Riparian Habitat (RRH) on their property. state of Arizona, one of 15 counties in the state. Hydrologic Soils Group Map. ) as you may not have a standard two-character street type. Box 3145 Tucson AZ 85702-3145 UPS/FedEx Address it to: Pima County Recorder phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 Contact Us Pima County Map. Feature Service February 24, 2021. Road Maps that are associated with a road proceeding will open at the front of the document images when accessed through the Road Proceeding application. Location: Pima County, Arizona, United States (31. Pima County Trailheads Interactive Map; View Pima County trailheads and the trails that originate/stem from them. of the Santa Cruz County Line and ends at Interstate Feb 13, 2025 · To search the Crime Map for Pima County enter a zip code. Nov 27, 2024 · Pima County Geospatial Data Portal Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. The project has produced high quality digital orthophotos and data covering various areas of eastern Pima County. phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 Contact Us Jan 3, 2025 · Road Repair and Preservation Projects 8. Arizona time. As of the 2020 census, the population was 1,043,433, [1] making it Arizona's second-most populous county. See the Parcel Map Description for an overview. Photos. Nov 27, 2024 · Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. Arizona State Maps. Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. The information has been summarized on the Existing Constraints Map (PDF). Trails Maps. A new 24-hour experimental forecast is posted every day at 5 am. Restoration Plan. However, each detail results page has "Map" links you can use to zoom the parcel's area on a PimaMaps map that shows the corresponding map layer for the detail. Download by using Township, Range Pima County PimaMaps is the map to use to obtain transportation-related data. LOCATIONS. Crime Map. Known errors/qualifications: Contour interval varies throughout the coverage depending on the original quad sheet contour interval. phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 The map to the left shows the Pictometry 2024 project areas in eastern Pima County. Below, the statistics for Pima County provide a snapshot of key economic and All the information in these DWF format maps is also available using Autodesk MapGuide. Not all areas subject to flooding are shown on the map. Acquisitions (BB) shows property rights (right-of-way) areas that have been acquired by Pima County either by lease or recorded deed. TASTES OF THE FAIR! Offers and Coupons. Feb 24, 2021 · Districts - State Legislative in Pima County. This will enable you to view and use PimaMaps maps. Pima County is in southern Arizona. Tucson Mountain Park Trails Map (PDF) Colossal Cave Mountain Park Trails Map (PDF) Name: Pima County topographic map, elevation, terrain. Discover, analyze and download data from Pima County Open Data. Maps . Alternatives Analysis. This layer is Book 30, Page 74 Subdivision Plat Map from Pima County Development Services: Pima County Development Services documents are displayed in PDF format using the Adobe Reader. 51410 -110. View Full Details Download Details. GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Arizona State, County & City Maps . Street names should conform to the Official Address Guide for Pima County. The county has a median home value of $258,300 and a median household income of $64,323. With a total of 56 zip codes, Pima County is home to 1,042,393 residents. Welcome to the community page for Pima County in with demographic details and statistics about the area as well as an interactive Pima County map. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. 38/3:T 57 AU: Breckenfeld,-Donald-J. Other 02/07/2025 2:46 PM 3200 BLK OF W HERMANS RD. Link to page; GIS Maps Dec 25, 2024 · Crime Map for Pima County, AZ. Resiliency planning maps enable searches about tree canopy coverage, surface temperatures and… Eastern Pima County: Abstract: topo displays contours for most of Eastern Pima County; some Federal land is not covered by the coverage. All information, web pages, data (including digital data), maps, programs, software, studies, reports, patents, copyrights and plans obtained by and prepared for and by the Pima County Geographic Information Systems (hereafter "Products") shall remain the property of Pima County. PimaMaps works with all modern browsers, as well as tablets and smart phones. July 1, 2024, data includes home values, household income, percentage of homes owned, rented or vacant, etc. Date Updated Access the Featured Maps from the Geographic Information Systems. Begin by reading the Disclaimer. Footer Menu Pima County DOT 2003 Autodesk Design Award Winner. To determine if your property contains RRH, please view the Riparian Classification Map. Floodplain Maps. Vote Early Voting and Election Day Vote Center Locations Map. Find USGS topos in Pima County by clicking on the map or searching by place name and feature type. Voter Registration Information; Election Information; Memos and Media. Maps associated with reports can be found on the Reports and Brochures page. Apache County Click on the Main Map link; Click on Map Layers Icon in lower left hand corner (stacked colored sheets) and find Sanitary Sewer layer; Expand layer and check boxes for the sub-layers of Sanitary Sewer Structures and Sanitary Sewer Pipes; Sewers will appear as green lines when scale shows 1000 feet per inch in lower left corner of map 3 days ago · Site Map; Site Map. If a parcel is in a typical residential subdivision, then it's not likely there will be a record of survey beyond the subdivision Boundary Maps, Demographic Data, School Zones Review maps and data for the neighborhood, city, county, ZIP Code, and school zone. Community Center Programs This map of Pima County is provided by Google Maps, whose primary purpose is to provide local street maps rather than a planetary view of the Earth. Supervisor District 1 October to December 2024 (PDF) Pima County Fair, 2007. S. Examples include the location of wastewater reclamation facilities and alternative fuel stations, detailed traffic counts and orthophotos, which can be ordered online. Feature Layer February 21, 2020. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. Info Updated Review the Arizona State, County and City Maps. Add RSS (guide) to an aggregator such as Inoreader or Feedly and see daily changes to this site's content. A section is a survey area of approximately one square mile. Search this area. The red outline is the border of Pima County and can be turned on and off. Other sources for orthophoto imagery Feb 15, 2025 · The map control in the upper right corner can be used to toggle map layers on and off. Box 3145 Tucson AZ 85702-3145 GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Search by address, place, land parcel description or GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) Zoning - Pima County. Arizona Soil Surveys and Maps Pima County Pima County Soil Map SU: A 57. Dataset. Tucson, the second-largest city in Arizona, is the county seat. As of the 2020 census, the population was 1,043,433, making it Arizona's second-most populous county. Since its adoption in 2001, Pima County has acquired rights to over 180,000 acres within the CLS (104,105 acres of fee simple land, and 152,591 acres of grazing lease). Feature Layer December 12, 2023 Pima County DOT Maps and Records Historical Aerial Photo Search Results. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. To move around in the map, click the screw driver and wrench icon on the upper right corner of the window. Relinquishments (HB) shows property rights (right-of-way) areas that have been released by Pima County by recorded deed. About 1. The Pima County Transportation Department uses advanced technologies, data, and the hard work of over 200 employees to manage nearly 2,200 miles of roadways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, transit services and infrastructure. How to use Pima County’s Pima. Cold Cases Missing Persons Daily Archive. The Tucson Regional Watershed Map (PDF) provides a three-dimensional view of the Tucson Basin. PimaMaps is the next-generation web-based mapping system, including a viewer/user interface that is compatible with most devices and browsers. The CLS also guides the acquisition of open space and habitat conservation lands by Pima County. Pima County Trails System Master Plan. History; Pima County 101; Employees Care About Pima County (ECAP) Administration. Review the Pima County Road Maintenance Status Map. If you were directed here by the 2012 City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code, see the Lighting Code - Pima County layer on the PimaMaps - Main map The new maps will become effective March 15, 2021 and will revise portions of FIRM panels 04019C1694L, 04019C1713L, and 04019C2301L. Natural Resources Conservation Service. PimaMaps - Arizona Map from Pima County GIS; Arizona County Maps. Dec 12, 2023 · Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. Vote voter information location map makes it easy to find a place to vote or drop off an early ballot in Tucson, South Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Sahuarita, Ajo, Green Valley, and the Tohono O’odham and Pascua Yaqui nations. phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 Pima County and Technology-Based Transportation. The website is maintained by the Pima County Regional Flood Control District and reflects FEMA flood plain and floodway studies. Each line has an elevation (z) value. Some types of information are categorized and stored by section or township. Each map covers one Review the Arizona State, County and City Maps. Flow Depth Map; 100-Year Floodplain Index Map (PDF) Maps of District 4, Voting Precincts, Supervisors Districts, Congressional and Legislative Districts Due to its association with floodplains and importance in mitigating flood-related hazards, the District also regulates disturbance to mapped riparian habitat. Find the information you need by calling the Library's Infoline at 520-791-4010 or by sending your question to Ask a Librarian . Pima County MapGuide gives access to satellite imagery, topography, roads, washes, and other important information (GIS Resources). Broadway Blvd. GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Photos in the red areas have 6-inch resolution. For more information on responsible pet ownership please visit: Pima Animal Care Center’s Pet Owner Resources. Congress St. Parcel section maps in DWG format can be located using Township, Range and Section or by using PimaMaps. View the 18. Date Updated This application uses licensed Geocortex Essentials technology for the Esri ® ArcGIS platform. Explore various GIS maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, and parks and recreation for Pima County, AZ. Map Service November 27, 2024. phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 The Pima County Engineer is tasked by the Board of Supervisors to survey, draft a map of the road to be established or abandoned, it is then recorded in the office of the Pima County Recorder. state of Arizona. Matt Heinz Pima County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) About the GIS Library. Source: Sanborn Maps Collection | Library of Congress | loc. Mar 3, 2020 · Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. Link to page; GIS Maps A map of known flood hazards is available. info@pagregion. Data collection within the project area has included a drainage inventory and survey of existing drainage complaints. 44732) Cross-sections of the Tucson (Park Avenue) Detention Basin (PDF) Draft TDA Public Meeting- Floodplains Display (PDF) FEMA approved LOMR (Case Number 13-09-3317P) (PDF) These maps show designated Pima County major streets and scenic routes for unincorporated Pima County. Parcel overlay details show only the text, not the map. 42632 -113. This map does not show erosion hazard areas and is not a guarantee that your property isn't subject to flood and/or erosion hazards since there are areas subject to flood hazards that have not yet been Pima Association of Governments produces customized maps on a variety of subjects available for public use. Just like the rest of Arizona, summers are very hot, winters All information, web pages, data (including digital data), maps, programs, software, studies, reports, patents, copyrights and plans obtained by and prepared for and by the Pima County Geographic Information Systems (hereafter "Products") shall remain the property of Pima County. Pima County Regional Flood Control District, 97 E. Aerial photos for section(s): 131332E (Sorted by Year) 15 aerial photos were found. Book 15, Page 17, Sequence Number 0 Subdivision Plat Map from Pima County Development Services: Pima County Development Services documents are displayed in PDF format using the Adobe Reader. Basemap for streets and reference boundaries. This application uses licensed Geocortex Essentials technology for the Esri ® ArcGIS platform. The County of Pima is located in the State of Arizona. . 5 and ozone concentrations. The Pima. Supervisorial District 5 Voting Precincts (click/tap image for larger view) Pima County Government services and news including Tucson, Marana, Ajo, Oro Valley, Sahuarita, Three Points and Arivaca. One Mile South of 1-10 and Hougton Rd . Regulated Riparian Habitat Map. Pima County PimaMaps is the map to use to obtain transportation-related data. The county has diverse landscapes, from desert to mountains. The following maps are available: Concept Plan Map (PDF) Location Map (PDF) Benefits. Schedule. This map shows FEMA and known locally mapped floodplains and regulatory washes within unincorporated Pima County. CA: United States. Apache County Within unincorporated Pima County, you may view a Flood Hazard Map which shows all floodplains currently mapped by FEMA and by the District. This means that within these districts livestock may not be allowed to roam freely, and a property owner does not have to construct a fence to keep the livestock out. , Suite 401 Tucson, AZ 85701. The University of Arizona is here. Understanding the Maps. 1st Floor, Board of Supervisors Hearing Room Tucson, AZ 85701 View a map of the area. All rights reserved. Explore Pima County's zoning regulations and ordinances with this comprehensive GIS tool. The Sentinel - Rex Scott: Politicians should heed Carters' principles, lest children learn lessons of hate | Guest opinion (11/27/23) Tucson. Review the Arizona State, County and City Maps. View Full Details Download Access PDFs of Transportation Incident Maps. Details. 1 million people live here. History; Pima County 101; Employees Care About Pima County The PimaMaps new viewer is HTML based, which allows it to be used from all major browsers (including Safari) without need of a Plug-In or Add-on. m. The LOMR started as Case Number 19-09-1465P and is now Case Number 20-09-2061P. Outstanding Planning Award for a Plan 2002. Feature Layer March 5, 2020. Each map covers one Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section. Project Site Map ‌ 2008 - Pre-Restoration ‌ 2020 - Aerial Image ‌ Maps. View Full Details Details. Parcel Access. The original Arizona cadastral survey "plats" were done by what was then called the General Land Office (GLO) in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Maps depicting the Recommended Projects within the study area are available below. The Loop connects parks, trailheads, bus and bike routes, workplaces, restaurants, schools, hotels and motels, shopping areas, and entertainment venues. Erosion hazard areas are not shown on Street name is required and is not case sensitive. According to the 2020 US Census the Pima County population is estimated at 1,061,175 people. This will expand the tools menu. The county has a population of 1,042,393, a median home value of $258,300, and a median household income of $64,323. The maps on this page are for reference only to the 13 Land Use maps that were adopted and approved with the plan which cover the unincorporated County except for the Tohono O’Odham Nation and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. For additional information regarding maps, design and future implementation of the first phase resulting from the feasibility study, please visit Phase I: Santa Cruz River Bank Protection, Ecosystem Restoration, and Linear Parkway, Ajo Way to Silverlake Road. Feb 26, 2020 · Jurisdictional boundaries within Pima County. Skip Navigation See other maps nearby. Apache County Find out more about the various GIS map resources available in Pima County. Beginning at 9 a. Pima County Static OPUS Solution Control Points are random points proximal to section The Pima County FEMA Floodplain map shows FEMA floodplains for the entire county but does not show any floodplains mapped by local jurisdictions. See catalog search for Arizona maps. The Surveying System in Pima County is an explanation of how townships and sections are numbered. The county seat is Tucson, [2] where most of the population is centered. A township is a square grid of 36 sections (or approximately 36 square miles). Pima County (/ ˈ p iː m ə / PEE-mə) is a county in the south central region of the U. Not all displayed documents have these annotations. Main Downtown Office (Map) Pima County Recorder P. About Pima County. The Pima County Regional Flood Control District (District) on behalf of the City of Tucson (City) applied for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise FIRM panels 04019C2288L and 04019C2880L to reflect improved data and modeling techniques. Pima County Trail System Master Plan, Revised 2012 (PDF) Pima Regional Trail System Master Plan Map, Revised February 2015 (PDF) Desert Trails Design Manual Open the Survey map; Close the Disclaimer; Expand the layer (11th from the top) "Location Grids" by clicking the + Use the checkboxes to select the layers of interest; Layers may be greyed out or inactive until zoomed in or out; Static OPUS Control Points. 33399 32. Pima Prospers Land Use Map - Upper Santa Cruz (PDF) 180-Day Extension for a Temporary Mobile Home. Peruse the maps of the Upper Santa Cruz RiskMAP Study like the project location, comparison maps, and more. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County; 110 West Congress Street; Tucson, AZ 85701; Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Map of the Project Area (PDF) Data Collection Maps. Our Pima County Maps are seamless, show many more data layers, and are generally the preferred method for viewing parcel map data. Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS | . Watersheds in the Tucson Basin provide maps showing where the water flows when it rains. PIMA COUNTY WEATHER. See the following Pima County Code zoning section and the main Pima County Code page for ordinances to be included in the next quarterly update of the published code. Feature Layer February 27, 2020. 2 Land Use & Regional Hydrology Maps. Each type of postal code can also be turned on and off. Administrative Procedures; County Administrator Memoranda; Board of Supervisors. Info Updated The corresponding map view is also shown to assist with understanding the result text. Saguaro National Park is famous for its giant cacti. Stay up to date on changes to the search catalog through the available feeds. It serves as a general aviation reliever airport for Tucson International Airport, featuring three runways, an air traffic control tower, and facilities for flight training and aircraft services. Moving Around in the Map. 2001 to 2002 Ahwahnee Award of Honor Feb 13, 2025 · FEMA flood plain information for properties in Pima County is at Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps, opens a new window. Feb 26, 2020 · Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. The boundaries of subdivisions in Pima County. FREE topo maps and topographic mapping data for Pima County, Arizona. See Road Maintenance Status Categories for help understanding and interpreting the displayed Road Maintenance Status map layer. Explore the districts of the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Read the Disclaimer and see the Parcel Map Description page for an overview, map legend and an explanation. They have added address, "resub" and other annotation that is not on the recorded document. This map shows the most up-to-date information about districts. Book 30, Page 74 Subdivision Feb 12, 2025 · Pima County Public Library’s historic map holdings are limited. This page displays the Pima County Department of Transportation No-Fence Districts Map. Map. Go to the map: Pima County Road Maintenance Status Map Feb 15, 2025 · Pima County Arizona is covered by a total of 75 ZIP Codes. 5G Small Wireless Facilities. The new viewer will detect tablet or handheld devices and format the display accordingly. Maps. Mar 1, 2025 · View Pima County, Arizona Township and Range on Google Maps with this interactive Section Township Range finder. Pima County Geographic Information Systems Information Stored by PLSS Section or Township. Of the ZIP codes within or partially within Pima County there are 44 Standard ZIP Codes, 6 Unique ZIP Codes and 25 PO Box ZIP Codes. Trends Analytics. Feb 13, 2025 · These historical map sets for Tucson were published in 1886, 1889, and 1896. Jurisdiction Boundaries displays incorporated and unincorporated areas within Pima County. Find maps of Tucson here. gov Ryan Airfield (RYN) is a public-use airport located 12 miles southwest of Tucson, Arizona. Photos in the green areas are identified as 3-inch resolution. Board of Supervisors Calendar; Board of Supervisors Notices; Clerk of the Board; Find Your District; Supervisor Rex Scott, District 1; Supervisor Dr. GIS Pima Maps - Main. In each window, the banner at top gives the date and (Arizona) time in the 24-hour movie loop of forecasted PM 2. The county name appears near the top of the map. It is provided for general information only and may not be adequate for permitting purposes. Layers to be displayed on the map may be activated by checking the boxes on the left of the map view. Open in ArcGIS Map Viewer Open in ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic Open in ArcGIS StoryMaps Summary The Pima Association of Governments (PAG) and a number of local government jurisdictions participate in the Regional Orthophoto Projects. The total project watershed is approximately 213 square miles, including parts of unincorporated Pima County, City of Tucson, Town of Sahuarita, Coronado National Forest, and Arizona State Land. Within the context of local street searches, angles and compass directions are very important, as well as ensuring that distances in all directions are shown at the same scale. Info Updated See Road Maintenance Status Categories for help understanding and interpreting the displayed Road Maintenance Status map layer. phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 Arizona State, County & City Maps . O. Pima County Administration Building 130 W. Pima County Pima County is a county in the south central region of the U. Feature Feb 21, 2020 · Pima County Maps and Apps Summary. PIMA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS MAP. Apr 16, 2013 · Meetings. Other Maps Some links and references to MapGuide remain. Zoom to The connections are the result of Pima County's cooperative partnerships with these jurisdictions. Go to the map: Pima County Road Maintenance Status Map Pima County Maps and Apps View Map Download More . The shaded areas on the map are "No-Fence Districts". Meetings / Events. com p: (520) 792-1093 f: (520) 620-6981 Supervisorial District 5 Voting and Precincts Map. It's generally best to omit the trailing street type (AV, RD, ST, etc. The project also includes the Ajo area. Layers 0. Features. Find directions to Pima County, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and more. From Tucson on I/10 East, exit Rita Road and PimaMaps is Pima County's next generation web mapping system. Using the Legend. Zoning - City of Tucson. Congress, 3rd Fl. The first portion of a street name may be used. DIRECTIONS. Feb 26, 2020 · phone: (520) 724-6670 address: 33 N Stone Av, 15th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 Contact Us If a survey was done in your area of interest, you may be able to find the document from the City of Tucson DOT Maps and Records Records of Survey or from the Pima County Recorder's "Survey Map" recorded documents. Costs & Funding. 77 Roadway Frontage Standards. Be ready to zoom in to your area of interest to display the Road Maintenance Status map layer. Below, you’ll find additional key statistics that offer a snapshot Jurisdictional boundaries within Pima County. Visitors and Pima County residents can enjoy The Loop on foot, bikes, skates, and horses. , opens a new window Here are some other places to find these maps, both inside our state and beyond. Digitized from USGS Quad maps. To order these images see PAG Image and Data Ordering. Feb 27, 2022 · Election, Voting and Precinct Map Information. If you were directed here by the 2012 City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code, see the Lighting Code - Pima County layer on the PimaMaps - Main map Explore the most up-to-date Pima County zip code map, highlighting neighborhoods, boundaries, and key locations. cxlul tpsmo dudn nasurn zycal wrlrfkv tuucejl pvg scouz rpnq wprst yfwdebs owdq subbkul wqgq