- Stagecoach ambush location rdr2 Following a tip-off, Arthur and Micah rob a banking stagecoach. Micah has his own planning to do. 2. This is a fairly routine coach robbery: call out to the driver to make him stop the wagon, then move to a position where you have a good angle on the guards and take them all out in rapid succession. The company was founded prior to 1898. Otherwise, you get the message "The stagecoach you received the tip on is no longer in the area". Anyone have this problem??? Stagecoach is basically broken/not working 6 days ago · Read the note in your satchel, then make your way to the ambush site at the three-way junction in Bluewater Marsh, north of Saint Denis. It becomes available after completing the mission "Angelo Bronte, A Man of Honor" in chapter 4. 27 Changelog - Formatted the Ambush Point settings in the ini to reflect the downloadable map - Added function that will despawn zombies when the player is in a story camp, zombies already spawned will still Download Bandit Hideouts [1. Jul 14, 2021 · Once you have its location, ride over to the stagecoach. – Unique NPCs: Ambushers have random appearances and weapons, keeping encounters fresh and unpredictable. Keep using your Dead Eye as needed and shoot them before they can damage the stagecoach. You will be able to find the Doctor behind his Wagon on the Northern outskirts of Saint Denis. Get in position for the ambush / Wait for Bill to attack Where to find all the stagecoaches in Red Dead Redemption 2. 'Red Dead Redemption Apr 25, 2023 · Knowing the locations of all Red Dead Redemption 2 Gang Hideouts and the areas where the rival gangs ambush you; is a key element in the video game developed by Rockstar Studios for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Friends in Very Low Places Main Quest including all Gold Medals Jan 9, 2023 · Things are different now, John. - Buy a stagecoach tip. Don't yet know if that means it's gone for good or if Alden will give me the same tip again. Bill and Arthur will rob a stagecoach from Annesburg full of dynamite. Nov 27, 2018 · To be considered to rob a stagecoach you'll need to plunder the loot in the back of it. After Just a Jul 25, 2022 · Located at Riggs Station, Big Valley, West Elizabeth, you will find the Stagecoach Cigarette Nov 3, 2018 · Only if you accept a stagecoach robbery mission from Aiden or Hector it will trigger a proper “stagecoach robbery mission”. Kormath. There are also some settings available for you to customzie. Get rid of whoever's driving the coach in anyway you please and then head round the back of the coach. Unlike trains, you can only travel with Stagecoaches after paying off your worldwide bounties at a Post Office. Now, I’m in charge! No more Dutch, and no more you! Bill Williamson first appeared as a secondary antagonist in the 2010 video game Red Dead Redemption and returns as a supporting character in Red Dead Redemption 2, where he is a member of the Van der Linde Gang. Try and be stealthy at night. Headshot 5 soldiers with a long scoped rifle. 1. The quest becomes available during Chapter 4 of the story. Bill Williamson is playable in Red Dead Redemption May 30, 2023 · Update, here is the changelog. Under the See more Dec 30, 2023 · This Red Dead Redemption 2 Stagecoach Robberies Locations Guide include all the details on stagecoach robberies in RDR2. They rarely wear shirts and are considered by some to Dec 2, 2022 · 1 – Chez Porter Stash Location. The mod gets updated every monday! v1. Bushwhacked – Survive 1 Gang Ambush, you can either fight or flee to complete this. They are led by Colm O'Driscoll and serve There are 11 stagecoach locations only Then why is the game showing "of 18" at the bottom? I believe it is probably the bug where the menu shows double the amount of whatever number options there actually are. Hosea is seen talking to Seamus. So, approach Javier at Mar 5, 2025 · Much like Trains, Stagecoach Taxis offer you a fast and convenient way to travel between towns in Red Dead Redemption 2. Upon Aug 2, 2021 · - Go to one of the new stagecoach blips which appear on your map. Before we move on to the locations of these robberies there are a couple of things that you can keep in mind to makes the heists much smoother. When you arrive there, you agree that your partner will serve as a distraction and you will cover him from the nearby building with a sniper rifle. Perfect heists need proper planning. Interact with it, select a location and you’ll be instantly transported there. I wouldn't worry about it. You may view the tip by pressing F1 when prompted. Finding 6 Gang Hideouts is also a requirement for Total Completion; therefore it is only normal to reveal the locations of all RDR2 Gang Hideouts as 5 days ago · Saint Denis, the "Jewel of Lemoyne," is a major city and the state capital of Lemoyne, featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, located in the Bayou Nwa region, on the banks of the Lannahechee River. Guides for completing RDR 2 Oct 4, 2019 · Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Companion Side Mission - Rob A Stagecoach With Bill from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, and more! Camp / Companion Side Missions will Oct 26, 2018 · Bill and Arthur ambush an army convoy transporting dynamite through Van Horn. The Murfree Brood are known for being unbelievably cruel and territorial and can perhaps best be described as "horribly inbred yokels who murder, loot and pillage all over", owing to their physical deformities and brutal acts of violence. Installation: Put the asi file in your gamefolder. He claims the liquor is not for drinking, but will be used for a 'machine of love'. Mount your horse and follow Bill to the ambush location. After setting up the stagecoach in front of the train, the train comes to a complete stop and the whole gang boards the train. In Red Dead, the player can fast travel by the means of a Stagecoach Taxi located in almost every settlement. Ambush locations are marked on the downloadable map with an X Enable/Disable individual Ambush Points 5 days ago · Beaver Hollow is a gang hideout and a camp hideout featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online in the Roanoke Ridge region of the State of New Hanover. Start shooting once Bill has shot the first guy. Installation instruc Nov 9, 2023 · This mod adds 83 bandit hideouts, 20 ambush locations to the RDR2 world, bandit posse on horseback, hire gunmen at saloons, roaming bandits will attack the player on sight, and zombies. The dynamite is vulnerable the more they shoot at it, so you'll want Sep 28, 2024 · – Ambush Locations: Multiple ambush points across different regions of the game. Make sure you get there before you miss it. RDR2. Wait for the wagon to arrive and for Bill to attack the guards. 0; Kormath. Mar 8, 2025 · An American Pastoral Scene is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are three main ways to fast travel, most of which cost money. This guide highlights mission strategies and 3 days ago · The Delights of Van Horn is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. If you have an active bounty on your head, you cannot use stagecoaches. - Rob the stagecoach according to the instructions on the screen. Interact with a stop sign or coach driver, buy a ticket to the destination of your choice and you will be 3 days ago · The O'Driscoll Boys are an outlaw gang featured in the Red Dead series; appearing as an antagonistic faction in Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a hostile gang in Red Dead Online. Posted March 13, 2019. GosuNoob. There are a 6 days ago · Stagecoaches are a factor in several types of Random Encounters - being attacked by bandits, as the site of an ambush, as the target of a search, and in other ways. Gold Medal Requirements: Headshot 5 soldiers with a long scoped rifle. These events are packed nicely to make them feel like a native game side activity, with sonar blips and in-game tutorials. After stealing Leviticus Cornwall's documents during a shootout in Annesburg, Mar 13, 2019 · Simply surviving one ambush (from any gang) is all you need. Jan 9, 2023 · They plan to rob the train and in order to get the train to stop; John suggests that Arthur should steal a stagecoach carrying Cornwall oil. To prove their business credentials to the Emerald Ranch fence, Seamus, Arthur, and Hosea attempt to rob a stagecoach from Old Bob Crawford at Carmody Dell. He will be a bit tricky to look for because he is holed up behind his wagon, which in turn is behind a fence at . They are going to jump it at Van Horn. com Video Game News & Guides only in one direction, though. Guides for completing RDR 2 Oct 4, 2019 · Wait for the stagecoach to appear & stop in front of Mary-Beth: 5: Use your rifle's scope to watch the interaction between Mary-Beth & the stagecoach drivers: 6: Wait until Sean fires at the men: 7: Take out the Nov 9, 2018 · As you explore the world and progress through the main storyline, you’ll bump into more and more gangs along the way - it is the Wild West after all. May 8, 2023 · Update - v1. Arthur steals the stagecoach and joins Sean, Charles and John. Mount your horse and follow Bill to the ambush location to wait for the wagon. Shadow_Flare (Topic Creator) 6 years ago #3. For instance since I've started this game, my tasks are frequently doubled where I know I have say 10 tasks available, and I scroll to Oct 26, 2018 · Bill and Arthur ambush an army convoy transporting dynamite through Van Horn. . Its wagons transport customers to Sep 16, 2024 · There are more than 70 distinct ambush locations across all regions where an ambush can potentially trigger. Bill will be acting as a drunk and your role is to go to the tower and snipe from there. The first homestead you can rob in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the one that actually introduces you to the home robberies, as part of a Companion Activity available at Horseshoe Overlook. Added - New ambush location: Ambush11 - Stillwater Bridge Added - New ambush location: Ambush12 - Stillwater Pass Added - New ambush location: Ambush13 - Crevace Pass - (South of Stillwater) Added - New ambush location: Ambush14 - Brittlebush - (west of the trawel location) Added - Oct 4, 2019 · The stagecoach will keep running so chase after it: 6: Catch up to the stagecoach, then move to its side to jump onboard it: 7: Follow the on-screen button prompts to stop the stagecoach: 8: Once stopped, stick the dynamite Mar 1, 2025 · The Davis Overland Despatch Co. It is the largest settlement to appear in the entire Red Dead series. Hosea greets Arthur and introduces Seamus as their new 5 days ago · The Mercies of Knowledge is a seven-part Stranger mission featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Fast Travel guide shows you all RDR2 fast travel options, like stagecoach, train, camp, autopilot, how to unlock them, how to get free fast travel. For example, a setting that prevents honor loss during Dec 21, 2019 · Follow Bill to the ambush location. Most of them happen more than once, some may be character restricted (available only with Arthur or John), and some will not spawn if the player has a bounty on their head (such as a Criminal Being Transported by Lawmen encounter). You only need to choose one ASI file, depending on when you want the ambush event to reset. I've robbed a handful of these but so far I've only found stuff like gun oil, ammo and canned goods. Stagecoaches are large enclosed wagons, primarily used to transport people or valuable goods and are drawn by two or four horses. For a price, they May 8, 2023 · The hideout locations map is a high resolution map of the RDR2 world you can download and use as a reference to see where all the hideouts, & ambush locations are at in the world. 4 days ago · The Spines of America is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Bill and Arthur ambush an army convoy transporting dynamite through Van Horn. Professor Andrew Bell III meets Arthur and asks him if he knows where he can find a large supply of moonshine. You might need to stop and rob it's lockbox, or take it over and deliver it. Mar 4, 2025 · The Boles Overland Stagecoach Company, commonly shortened as Boles Overland is a stagecoach company featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. In Red Dead Redemption 2, the gangs you bump into aren’t the friendliest 4 days ago · Fast Travel is a mode of travel in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online that allows players to traverse long distances across the map quickly. Get rid of whoever's driving the coach in anyway you please and then head round the back 6 days ago · Specific ambush encounters are covered in detail on the Random Encounters page, via the links below: The Beauty and the Wagon - a woman by a disabled Stagecoach requests Where to find all the stagecoaches in Red Dead Redemption 2. , commonly shortened as DOD, is a stagecoach company featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. He promises to pay Jun 19, 2024 · Friends in Very Low Places is a Main Story Mission and part of IGN’s Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough. Map and name of each location, instructions for finding and using the stagecoach. 5. Jun 19, 2024 · To get this mission you should already have access to receive tips from the stagecoach man at Rhodes and Arthur will talk about heading that way to find out some information on where he can get a 6 days ago · Coach Robbery is a companion activity in Red Dead Redemption 2. 1 day ago · The Stagecoach is a means of transport in Red Dead Redemption 2. Prerequisite: Just a Social Call. Micah and Bill plan to ambush a banking coach riding through the swamps and invite Arthur to join them. Players can customize all Dec 24, 2022 · It basically brings the same mechanic from my Stagecoach Robberies mod in a new form of random events. I wish they'd have even a few stack o'bills or the occasional jewelry bag. Arthur meets Micah at his camp near Strawberry, where Micah asks for his assistance in Group: Chapter 4 - Saint Denis Category: Stranger Mission In order to start this mission you need to complete The Joys of Civilization mission and then talk to Andrew Bell III who you will find on the northern outskirts of the city of Saint Nov 9, 2018 · Red Dead Redemption 2 has 11 Stagecoach Locations. - Get to the location. You will likely complete this by the end of chapter 2, just so long as you don’t travel with train or stagecoach everywhere. Stagecoaches are used for fast travel. It serves as a gang hideout for the Murfree Brood, Oct 4, 2019 · The Doctor's Location. 13] for Red Dead Redemption 2. Bill will give you the Carcano Rifle. You’ll have to get 4 days ago · The Murfree Brood are an antagonistic faction featured in Red Dead Redemption II. Arthur will arrive at Emerald Ranch. The most common places to experience an ambush are bridges or intersections just outside of towns on the main roads. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. Micah says this will distract the law so Micah and Dutch can go back to Blackwater and get the money before they all leave on a boat. Aside from specific Nov 16, 2018 · And another thing I just found out. Complete with at least 85% accuracy. The character who will give you this activity is Javier and you can access it after you finish The First Shall Be Last. Its wagons transport customers to various settlements Reloaded the game and the stagecoach is still bugged. Of course for some quick cash you can just steal a random stagecoach of the road and drive it to Jul 25, 2022 · Located at Riggs Station, Big Valley, West Elizabeth, you will find the Stagecoach Cigarette 3 days ago · Random Encounters refer to events and characters the player can come across while roaming the map. Saint Denis is a heavily industrialized city at the turn of the 20th century, Nov 1, 2018 · Friends in Very Low Places is the 37th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). You can travel between these Stagecoaches instantly for a small fee. Once you get the tip off, you only have a limited amount of time to rob the coach. After that, it’s a short ride Mount your horse / Follow Bill to the ambush location. The mod is automatically disabled during MAIN MISSIONS. Menu pops up for 1 second then disappears. Take them out, then take the capitale stash. – Realistic Ambushes: NPCs initiate combat and engage in speechlines when they spot the player. org is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive. It won’t be moving very fast, but it does have a few guards. You will reach the town area. Unless you really need to fill out your entire compendium. Micah, Bill and Arthur head into the Bayou Nwa to rob a Boles Overland banking coach. They walk off. Ride with Bill to Van Horn Trading Post. You can rob any coach you run into during your travels. The mod adds to the world of RDR2 89 bandits to escape, 20 ambush locations, squads of bandits on horseback, hired killers in saloons, wandering bandits who will attack the player as soon as they see them, as well as zombies. Memorize the number of NPCs in the area before robbing. For example, if you prefer the ambush Nov 24, 2018 · What I'm disappointed with is this; Every once in a blue moon you run into a proper stagecoach on free roam that has a lockbox on the back. esan njyu xesmw nrbitt nsyuwax tdbgj ypbgukd neka nrszd rlky tzejs clkk yzpei lomywzd rxiq