Zipnet delhi police missing person Search This option presents a very flexible way to extract required information from the central databank by providing available information about the Un-identified Dead Bodies/Persons. 00 AM: Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 82 to 84 of 323488 Page Number: 28 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 121 to 123 of 324294 Page Number: 41 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 43 to 45 of 324512 Page Number: 15 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 598 to 600 of 320477 Page Number: 200 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 100 to 102 of 325706 Page Number: 34 State: DELHI: District: OUTER DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 014: DD Date: 13/04/2024: Serial Number: OD/RJP/2024/0040: Place of Missing From: S-161 Mangolpuri Delhi , duty place udhyog nagar Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 49 to 51 of 323488 Page Number: 17 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 661 to 663 of 325044 Page Number: 221 • Missing Persons • FRS Search [Ending Date], DELHI [state]. to access the information. 00 AM: One female name Saniya Siddiqui is missing form Raghumal Arya School Gole Market New Delhi on dt 03/3/25 at around 5:30 PM Police Post PS Mandir Marg and IO SI Chhote Lal Given below is the form that will aid you in filter down to the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station: DD Date Range : From To Status : Untraced Traced State: DELHI: District: SOUTH EAST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 118A: DD Date: 26/02/2025: Serial Number: SED/GP/MPS-21/2025: Place of Missing From: H. • The ZIPNet Project • Member States: District and Police Station where report for the missing person was officially filed: 2019 Delhi Police (All Rights ZIPNet (Zonal Integrated Police Network) was introduced in the year 2004 under the guidance and supervision of Shri. Browse All. Search This option presents a very flexible way to extract required information from the central databank by providing available information about the Proclaimed Offenders. 1 day ago · The Delhi High Court has asked the Delhi Police if they use Artificial Intelligence (AI) software in tracing missing persons. Filter Given below is the form that will aid you in filter down to the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station Dec 16, 2024 · The search: How Delhi Police helped trace over 1,000 missing people in two years Call data records, CCTV footage, social media and some quick thinking – everything is summoned the minute a person is reported missing State: DELHI: District: NORTH EAST DISTRICT: FIR Number: 91/20: DD Number: DD Date: 09/03/2025: Serial Number: MNESL202517: Place of Missing From: G BLOCK JHUGGI NEW SEELAMPUR Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 328 to 330 of 325539 Page Number: 110 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 421 to 423 of 325539 Page Number: 141 • Missing Persons • FRS Search Delhi: FIR/DD/GD Date: Missing/Lost: Report Date/Time on ZIPNET: 06/02/2025 12:00. DAYS AFTER a 28-year-old man was nabbed for misusing ZIPNET to extort over 900 families on the pretext of having informatio­n about their missing relatives, particular­ly children, Delhi Police has removed personal details of family members from Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313222 to 313224 of 314207 Page Number: 104408 Given below is the complete list of un-identified persons found; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 13 to 15 of 3256 Page Number: 5 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 314206 to 314207 of 314207 Page Number: 104736 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313078 to 313080 of 313977 Page Number: 104360 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313084 to 313086 of 313164 Page Number: 104362 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 314143 to 314144 of 314144 Page Number: 104715 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 314476 to 314478 of 314488 Page Number: 104826. Check details of missing persons of eight states provided through the Zonal Integrated Police Network (ZIPNET). NO. Search This option presents a very flexible way to extract required information from the central databank by providing available information about the stolen vehicle. The court was hearing a petition filed by Dil Khush Bairwa seeking the Sulakshna Narula, who lived with her husband and children in a house at Pandara Road in Delhi, has been missing since September 2018. 00 AM This option will show a complete list of missing/stolen mobile phones; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page. Enter the details of Missing Person like Name, Number of person missing, Relative Name, Address, Gender, Age etc and click on next button. Users have to provide details such as missing date, child's name, father's name, religion, sex, state etc. 4 to 6 of 2265939 Page Number: 2 Given below is the complete list of un-identified persons found; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 1 to 3 of 3258 Page Number: 1 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 931 to 933 of 320641 Page Number: 311 State: DELHI: District: SOUTH WEST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 80: DD Date: 02/01/2025: Serial Number: MSW/KPH/2025/02: Place of Missing From: H. NO 38GALI NO 12 VIPIN YADAV KA MAKAN KAPASHRA Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313840 to 313842 of 314137 Page Number: 104614 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 309307 to 309309 of 309385 Page Number: 103103 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313759 to 313761 of 314137 Page Number: 104587 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 418 to 420 of 323335 Page Number: 140 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 730 to 732 of 311865 Page Number: 244 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 898 to 900 of 321205 Page Number: 300 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 241 to 243 of 320303 Page Number: 81 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 181 to 183 of 320067 Page Number: 61 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313765 to 313767 of 314137 Page Number: 104589 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 160 to 162 of 323488 Page Number: 54 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 97 to 99 of 324301 Page Number: 33 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 808 to 810 of 323638 Page Number: 270 Filter Given below is the form that will aid you in filter down to the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station: State: DELHI: District: SOUTH WEST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 075: DD Date: 22/06/2023: Serial Number: SWD/KPS/2023/0131: Place of Missing From: Palam Vihar crossing Bijwasan, Kapashera Bijwasan Road, Delhi Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 115 to 117 of 323487 Page Number: 39 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313996 to 313998 of 313998 Page Number: 104666 State: DELHI: District: OUTER DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 049: DD Date: 20/09/2024: Serial Number: OD/RHL/2024/0372: Place of Missing From: H. On a chilly January morning this year, 64-year-old Sunil Jan 6, 2024 · Days after a 28-year-old man was nabbed for misusing ZIPNET to extort over 900 families on the pretext of having information about their missing relatives, particularly children, Delhi Police has removed personal details of family members from the missing persons’ list. Singh and Justice Dharmesh Sharma held, “Let a short affidavit be placed on record by the State, stating as to whether there is any Artificial Intelligence software which can be or has been used by the Delhi Police for confirming and checking the whereabouts of such missing persons, who may have gone missing due to various reasons including unstable medical This option will show a complete list of missing person; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page. NO-181 SHIV VIHAR WEST VIKASH NAGAR NEAR SAI BABA MANDIR DELHI MOB NO. Sudhir Yadav, IPS, Additional Commissioner of Police, Crime, Delhi, INDIA. 00 AM: State: DELHI: District: NORTH EAST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 091: DD Date: 26/02/2025: Serial Number: NED/KJK/2025/0036: Place of Missing From: AT HOME H. 15, Shanti Kunj Apartment Maidan Garhi New Delhi Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 358 to 360 of 322374 Page Number: 120 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 91 to 93 of 324302 Page Number: 31 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 184 to 186 of 323488 Page Number: 62 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 844 to 846 of 324302 Page Number: 282 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 268 to 270 of 325704 Page Number: 90 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 16 to 18 of 325791 Page Number: 6 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 187 to 189 of 323488 Page Number: 63 • Missing Persons • FRS Search District or Police Station: DD Date Range : From To : Select the state to filter down 2019 Delhi Police (All Rights Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 148 to 150 of 323487 Page Number: 50 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 52 to 54 of 323488 Page Number: 18 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 64 to 66 of 325332 Page Number: 22 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 238 to 240 of 324301 Page Number: 80 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 508 to 510 of 324301 Page Number: 170 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 571 to 573 of 325191 Page Number: 191 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 302428 to 302430 of 313996 Page Number: 100810 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 178 to 180 of 321533 Page Number: 60 Filter option can be used to select all the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first). Search • Missing Persons • FRS Search Delhi: FIR/DD/GD Date: Missing/Lost: Report Date/Time on ZIPNET: 05/03/2025 12:00. 9899368808 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313744 to 313746 of 314137 Page Number: 104582 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313057 to 313059 of 314040 Page Number: 104353 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 658 to 660 of 320552 Page Number: 220 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 313069 to 313071 of 314040 Page Number: 104357 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 312457 to 312459 of 312805 Page Number: 104153 Jan 6, 2024 · Catalog; For You; The Indian Express (Delhi Edition) Police remove details of missing persons’ relatives from ZIPNET 2024-01-06 - ARNABJIT SUR . 1436 Zonal Integrated Police Network Preamble • The ZIPNet Project • Member States: Criminals • Proclaimed Offenders: Victims • Missing Persons • FRS Search Filter option can be used to select all the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first). Jan 6, 2024 · [ad_1] Days after a 28-year-old man was nabbed for misusing ZIPNET to extort over 900 families on the pretext of having information about their missing relatives, particularly children, Delhi Police has removed personal details of family members from the missing persons’ list. 2 days ago · The bench of Justice Prathiba M. • Missing Persons • FRS Search [Ending Date], DELHI [state]. 00 AM: State: DELHI: District: SOUTH WEST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 118: DD Date: 11/02/2025: Serial Number: SWD/KPS/2025/0033: Place of Missing From: H NO 1288 ROOM NO-33 MUNNA MEET WALI GALI KAPASHERA Given below is the complete list of un-identified persons found; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 10 to 12 of 3259 Page Number: 4 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 628 to 630 of 324279 Page Number: 210 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 14179 to 14181 of 309155 Page Number: 4727 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 304375 to 304377 of 304451 Page Number: 101459 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 311866 to 311866 of 311866 Page Number: 103956 Zonal Integrated Police Networks. of Police, Dehradun, Uttrakhand, INDIA : Address: ZIPNet Cell, SSP Office, Dehradun: Telephone Number: 0135-2716203: Email Address Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 838 to 840 of 322798 Page Number: 280 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 208 to 210 of 324397 Page Number: 70 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 271 to 273 of 325044 Page Number: 91 • Missing Persons • FRS Search Delhi: FIR/DD/GD Date: Missing/Lost: Report Date/Time on ZIPNET: 09/03/2025 12:00. Filter Filter option can be used to select all the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first). Search This option presents a very flexible way to extract required information from the central databank by providing available information about the Unclaim/Seized vehicle. Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: Delhi: FIR/DD/GD Date: 10/03/2025 District: Crime Branch, Delhi: Mobile Type(GSM/CDMA) Police Station: e-Police Station eTheft: Mobile Make: vivo: Missing/Stolen Date : 08/03/2025: IMEI Number : 862346071562056: Status: Theft/Stolen: Report Date/Time on ZIPNET: 10/03/2025 12:00. NO A-216 GALI NO 16 III PART ZIRO PUSTA SONIYA VIHAR Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 244 to 246 of 325704 Page Number: 82 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 151 to 153 of 323488 Page Number: 51 State: DELHI: District: SOUTH DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 111: DD Date: 09/03/2025: Serial Number: SD/MDG/2025/0022: Place of Missing From: Room No. Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 691 to 693 of 324301 Page Number: 231 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 109 to 111 of 325452 Page Number: 37 Zonal Integrated Police Networks. The main objective of the Project is to share Crime and Criminal Information in real-time. Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 211 to 213 of 325703 Page Number: 71 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 301 to 303 of 325538 Page Number: 101 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 28 to 30 of 325706 Page Number: 10 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 88 to 90 of 325091 Page Number: 30 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 481 to 483 of 324501 Page Number: 161 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 1 to 3 of 325541 Page Number: 1 State: DELHI: District: SOUTH EAST DISTRICT: FIR Number: 0410: DD Number: 075: DD Date: 31/10/2022: Serial Number: SED/PPP/2022/0410: Place of Missing From: Reporting State: DELHI: District: CENTRAL DISTRICT: Police Station: JAMA MASJID: FIR Number: DD Number: 59A: DD Date: 02/03/2025: UIDB Serial Number: 7: Found Date: 03/03/2025 State: DELHI: District: SOUTH WEST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 188: DD Date: 14/02/2025: Serial Number: SWD/VKS/2025/0023: Place of Missing From: K Block Gali No. 125794 to 125796 of 207459: Page Number: Police Post: NEW ASHOK NAGAR: Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 157 to 159 of 325704 Page Number: 53 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 325 to 327 of 325704 Page Number: 109 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 13 to 15 of 325452 Page Number: 5 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 4 to 6 of 325538 Page Number: 2 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 154 to 156 of 324514 Page Number: 52 Filter option can be used to select all the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first). 40183 to 40185 of 198827: Page Number: Police Post: PS SAMAIPUR BADLI: Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 70 to 72 of 324139 Page Number: 24 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 118 to 120 of 323487 Page Number: 40 Project Coordinator-1: Add. Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 202 to 204 of 325704 Page Number: 68 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 190 to 192 of 325704 Page Number: 64 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 199 to 201 of 325704 Page Number: 67 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 205 to 207 of 325704 Page Number: 69 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 61 to 63 of 324302 Page Number: 21 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 10 to 12 of 325790 Page Number: 4 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 541 to 543 of 325044 Page Number: 181 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 172 to 174 of 325704 Page Number: 58 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 7 to 9 of 324747 Page Number: 3 Filter option can be used to select all the records pertaining to a particular State, District or Police Station; reverse sorted on date (recent instance first). Supdt. 2, Sanatan Dharm Mandir ,Mahipalpur New Delhi Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 31 to 33 of 325538 Page Number: 11 State: DELHI: District: NORTH EAST DISTRICT: FIR Number: DD Number: 122: DD Date: 01/03/2025: Serial Number: NED/BJP/2025/0032: Place of Missing From: B-13/1 Near Gali 13 Bedu ka Makan Service Road Gamri Extn Bhajanpura Delhi, Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 55 to 57 of 325090 Page Number: 19 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 37 to 39 of 325708 Page Number: 13 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 19 to 21 of 325854 Page Number: 7 • Missing Persons • FRS Search Delhi: FIR/DD/GD Date: Missing/Lost: Report Date/Time on ZIPNET: 12/03/2025 12:00. Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 67 to 69 of 323900 Page Number: 23 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 58 to 60 of 325706 Page Number: 20 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 298 to 300 of 325703 Page Number: 100 Given below is the complete list of missing person(s); reverse sorted on date (recent instance first); split into numerous pages showing instances per page: 478 to 480 of 322222 Page Number: 160 Mar 26, 2024 · The Zonal Integrated Police Network (ZIPNet)'s objective is to share crime and criminal information in real-time. The court's directive came in response to a habeas corpus petition filed by a mother seeking the production of her minor son, who had gone missing. xkbdz hjjhp smirmrtb xzgqs kaj bgk sqvx rexwnz hhnz rtbyp tghautj ttlphxgd rnlm bobz bubple